Chapter 1 Dynamic Web Page Design Y. Chen, Ph.D. ::.NET Introduction ::
2 Basic Concept 「.NET」(dot NET): Microsoft Next Generation Application Development Platform. 「.NET」(dot NET): Microsoft Next Generation Application Development Platform. 「.NET Platform」: A platform for multi- language web development. 「.NET Platform」: A platform for multi- language web development. Program module re-use and sharing. Program module re-use and sharing. Team work environment. Team work environment. 1-1.NET
4 .NET Framework Structure.NET Framework.NET Framework Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft.NET Server Microsoft.NET Server Visual Studio.NET Visual Studio.NET.NET Service.NET Service Allow resource sharing over Internet. 1-1.NET
5 Microsoft.NET Servers: 1-1.NET Microsoft.NET Server Description Microsoft Mobile Information Server Provide services to mobile devices. Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server Provide firewall, calendar, contact, and schedule services. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Provide database services. Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Provide file sharing, printing, directory, and application services.
6 Microsoft.NET Platform Structure 1-1.NET
7 Two major components: Base Class Base Class Common Language Runtime (CLR) Common Language Runtime (CLR) Compile different programming language into a common execution format. 1-2.NET Framework
8 Microsoft.NET Framework 1-2.NET Framework
9 1-3.NET Framework Base Class
10 ADO.NET 1-3.NET Framework Base Class
11 ASP.NET 1-3.NET Framework Base Class
NET Framework CLR
13 Hardware Requirements: 1-5 ASP.NET Requirements ItemRequirement Operating System Windows 2000 Professional/Server, Windows XP Professional, Windows.NET Server. CPU Pentium II or better. Memory 128 MB minimum, 256 MB recommended. Hard Drive 110 MB minimum, 500 MB preferred.
14 Software Requirements: Windows 2000 Windows 2000 IIS5.0 IIS5.0.NET Framework SDK.NET Framework SDK Internet Explorer 6.0 Internet Explorer 6.0 MDAC 2.7 MDAC 2.7 *MSDE *MSDE MSDE(Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine)for third-party database access. No need, if you already have SQL Server. 1-5 ASP.NET Requirements
15 Client : Request services. Server : Provide services. 1-6 Client and Server
16 Between a client and a server, Request : The client requests a web page from a web server. Request : The client requests a web page from a web server. Response : The server receives the request and send the requested web page as a response to the request. Response : The server receives the request and send the requested web page as a response to the request. 1-6 Request and Response