Max Heirich Ph.D. Patricia A. Herlihy Ph.D, R.N. Roland Zullo Ph.D. Changes Over the Years in EAP, Work/Life, and Wellness Services EAPA’s Annual World Conference Nashville, Tennessee October 7, 2006 October, 2006October, 2006
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Where We have Been? National Survey of EAP & W/F Programs (1994) International Survey of EAP & Work/Life Professionals (2000) International Survey of EAP, W/L and Wellness Vendors (2002)
Where We are Going? 1)Replication of 1994 Study ● Qualitative based inquiry via phone interviews of 100 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Professionals in Family Friendly Workplaces 2)Application for Grant Monies for Cost Benefit ● Analysis of Different Models of Service Delivery: specific questions at the end of this presentation
Current Factors influencing the Development and Continuance of EAP, W/L & Wellness The Ever Changing Business Environment Mergers Acquisitions Globalization Increase in Skill Level Retention of Talented Employees Growth of Company
Societal Factors affecting the development or continuance of EAP, W/L and Wellness Changes within the business industry Changes in demographics of available employee population (the aging boomers) Crises –World Trade Center 9/11 –Tsunami 2004 –Hurricane Katrina 2005
Internal Organizational Factors Influencing Development of EAP, W/L & Wellness Programs Leadership Turnover - CEO or VP level changes Managerial philosophy of current leadership Corporate culture –“Military command structure” vs “team approach” –“Bottom line” vs “employee focus” for decisions Influence of unions and other stakeholders Involvement of staff in professional associations
Current Trends in EAP Focus Crisis help for large numbers of employees Work related psychological stress and mental health problems Family related psychological stress and mental health problems Substance abuse issues Management Consultation
Models of Service Delivery Internal vs External Delivery of Services Integrated vs Stand Alone Pro-active outreach vs Employee initiated Personalized vs Generalized Services
Current Major driver for development of EAP, Work/Life, and Wellness: Spiraling Health Care Costs Wellness –a potential key cost-container that can reinforce what other programs are currently doing –but, no common understanding of “Wellness” as yet among corporations or professionals
Current Outsourcing Trends Many companies try more than one vendor before they find a satisfactory “fit” It is difficult to integrate services unless a single vendor used Internationalization of a company brings new challenges Demand for culturally-specific (differentiated) programs increasing
Definitions Employee Assistance Program –Work-site based program designed to assist in the identification and resolution of productivity problems Work/Life Program –Organizational change strategies that involve a mix of policies, programs and practices aimed at facilitating integration of work, family and personal life roles Wellness –Health Promotion is the science & art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health.
What is WELLNESS? Wellness focuses on building a healthy lifestyle It mobilizes the individual’s potential for self- healing (even during treatment for disease) It mobilizes social support for health improvement “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being And not simply the absence of disease or infirmity.” (UN Charter)
Quality of the state of collaboration that exists among departments required to achieve unity of effort by the demands of the environment (Lawrence and Lorsch, 1967) Bringing together, in a synergistic way, the specialized knowledge and trained expertise of professionals in different but related fields in order to better serve the organization and its employee (Swihart & Thompson, 2002) * Concept of Integration Continuum – Stand Alones to One Stop Shopping Models (Herlihy, 1996) Integration Definitions
Changes in Integration over Time
Potential Research Questions How to create an effective measurement tool to evaluate both the ROI AND the Effectiveness of Programs for the employee How to capture the business climate change and managerial changes and their effects on these programs: including differences from senior to lower management Stakeholders: (Who are they) and what involvement do they have with program development Advantages and Disadvantages to an Integrated Model of Service Delivery
How can you help move the fields into a better future? Finding EAP Directors from 1993 Examine your own corporate culture Consider what Integration means in your Company/culture Submit Research Question re: Integration Explore various models of Integration