Skills and Techniques Intermediate 2 & Higher Physical Education
Lesson objectives… Recap - Principles of Effective Practice Recap - Feedback and Motivation Graffiti Poster for Feedback – Motivation – Principles of effective practice Stages of Skill Learning What stage of skill learning are we at and what have we been doing Types/Methods of Practice Issue homework for Friday 9 th December – 2 tasks Issue homework for Friday 9 th December – 2 tasks
Recap of last Wednesday Click here for last Wednesdays lesson
Cooperative Learning Task Instructions Get into a group of six. Sit at a graffiti poster. At your poster write down any word or phrase that you can think of which relates to the subject area. When instructed move to the next graffiti poster. At your new poster write down any word or phrase that you can think of which relates to the subject area. Repeat the above. FeedbackMotivation Principles of effective practice
Stages of Skill Learning
What are the three stages of skill learning? STAGES OF LEARNING Cognitive Associative Autonomous
Stages of skill learning as a journey Cognitive AssociativeAutonomous
Cognitive Stage Even although some of the subroutines involved in the skill maybe new, it does not mean that you are at the beginner level in badminton. Beginner Level Badminton Player During the planning stage, you find out what the skill involves – work out the subroutines:Preparation Action Recovery After establishing the different subroutines you make your first attempts at learning the skill Errors are likely to be common during the planning stage. As a result of this you will need lots of advice and encouragement At the cognitive stage of skill learning. Limited ability and knowledge of skill. Observing Model performer helps improve knowledge of what it means to perform effectively.
What was the first thing you did during the cognitive stage? Why did you break the OHC down? What did you do after establishing the subroutines? Why was it important to receive feedback at this stage?
During the cognitive stage, I found out exactly what the overhead clear involved. To do this I observed a model performing playing the stroke. I was then able to break the skill down into three phases: Preparation Action Recovery This enabled me to identify each of the subroutines that make up the skill. By doing this I had a clear understanding of the movements I had to perform in order to play an effective overhead clear. Even although some of the subroutines involved in the overhead clear were new, I wasn’t a badminton beginner, I had some previous experience of the activity. After establishing the subroutines involved I made my first attempts at performing the skill by shadowing the movements of a model performer, to do this I used shadow practice. As my performance improved I attempted different shadow practices which got progressively more difficult. It was important to ensure my practice was progressive to keep the practices challenging and prevent boredom. During these early stages I made a lot of errors, for this reason it was important that I received regular positive feedback. By receiving regular verbal feedback from my partner I could very quickly correct errors in my performance. Due to the number of errors I initially made it was important the feedback was positive to keep my motivation levels up. What was the first thing you did during the cognitive stage? Why did you break the OHC down? What did you do after establishing the subroutines? Why was it important to receive feedback at this stage?
Types / Methods of Practice
Pressure Drills Stage 5 Stage 1 Stage 2 Shadow Practice Repetition Practice Stage 3 Combination Practice Stage 4 Gradual Build Up Conditioned Games
Methods of practice used on our journey Cognitive AssociativeAutonomous Shadow Practice Repetition Practice Combination Practice Pressure Drills Conditioned Games
Homework Due – Friday 9 th December Task 1: Describe what you did at the cognitive stage of skill learning to develop your overhead clear. Give specific performance related examples to support your answer. Task 2: Describe a complex skill which you found to be a weakness. Explain why you considered it to be a weakness. Answer for task 2 should include Intro – aim/objective of overhead clear Explanation as to why OHC is a complex skill Description of overhead clear Comparison of your performance to that of a model performer at the Preparation / Action / Recovery stages. Summary of how this affected the effectiveness of your overhead clear. The overhead clear video used in class may help you with this answer