Board Members: David Flint, President. Ross McDonald, Vice President. Tony Wason, Secretary and President Elect. Mike Englefield, Treasurer. Max Lee, Rosie Murphy, Ian Thomas, Roger Male, John Skinner David McFarlane
Rotary Club of Eltham Committee Goals for 2008/9
Administration Committee Committee Membership Roger Male, Chairman Tony Wason Mike Englefield David Flint John Lewis, Sergeant Gary Williams, Program
Administration Committee Long Term Goal Maintain a committee that will develop and oversee the required records, processes, and procedures to ensure that the Club meets all of its administrative and financial obligations to District 9790 and Rotary International and are designed to ensure the smooth running of the Rotary Club of Eltham.
Administrative Committee Short Term Goals To appoint an “Archivist” to collect, catalogue and store the Club’s history.
Administrative Committee Short Term Goals contd. To ensure that all current and past member records held by District 9790 and Rotary International are as accurate as possible.
Administrative Committee Short Term Goals contd. To review the Club’s current practices with respect to the Constitution and By Laws of the Club. To identify areas of non compliance and propose solutions.
Administrative Committee Short Term Goals contd. To review the secretarial duties and treasury duties in line with District 9790’s and Rotary International’s requirements and Australian Corporate obligations. To review the Sergeant’s duties.
Foundation Committee Committee Members David McFarlane, Chairman Bob Wortley Les Coath
Foundation Committee Long Term Goal To maintain a Committee that understands and supports the objectives of Rotary Foundation.
Foundation Committee Short Term Goals Ensure that the Committee understands Foundation’s Objectives and is committed to its financial support That each month a short information piece on some aspect of Foundation is included in the “Bulletin”
Foundation Committee Short Term Goals contd. To raise the incremental US $1000 as the Club’s contribution to the “Microsoft Challenge” in each of the next 3 years. To encourage continued contribution to the “Every Rotarian Every Year” initiative to the extent that 70% of our Club membership will subscribe
Foundation Committee Short Term Goals contd. To canvas and gauge interest in GSE and Ambassadorial Scholarships. To appoint a standing committee to consider all aspects of Paul Harris Fellow awards in our Club.
Marketing & Communications Committee Committee Members Rosie Murphy (Chairman) Ken Paynter Ian McPherson Gordon Birch Jimmy Phillips Robert Reardon Sue Schreiber Pago Samson
Marketing and Communications Committee Long Term Goal To develop a Marketing and Communications Committee that will continually strive to display the Club to the local community in the most advantageous manner, in order that it attracts and retains members, sponsors and supporters.
Marketing and Communications Committee Short Term Goals To publish a weekly “Bulletin” that will inform the Club’s members, associates, supporters and sponsors of the Club’s activities and broadcast the ideals of Rotary to the local community To review the possibility of a 1/4ly issue
Marketing and Communications Committee Short Term Goals cont. To find the resource to enable the Club’s website to be updated monthly.
Marketing and Communications Committee Short Term Goals contd. To ensure that the Club is always represented to the Community in the most advantageous way to demonstrate the merits and benefits of Rotary. Including but not limited to; –Signage –Stationery and other marketing properties –Apparel
Marketing and Communications Committee Short Term Goals cont. To investigate ways of working with District 9790 and Associated Clubs to leverage marketing opportunities
Membership Committee Committee Membership Max Lee, Chairman Ken Paynter Frank Lynch Ross McDonald
Membership Committee Short Term Goals To establish an efficient protocol to introduce, invite, and induct new members to our Club To liaise with fellow Chairs and Board Members to identify those member classifications and characteristics required by the committees to meet their Goals
Membership Committee Short Term Goals contd. To replace members lost to the Club by natural attrition
New Generations Committee Committee Members John Skinner, Chairman Ian McPherson Terry Wilson Ian Toohill
New Generations Committee Long Term Goals To double the membership of the Rotoract Club of Diamond Valley. To maintain 2 Interact Clubs in our area. To create a greater awareness of New Generation Programs in our local community.
Service Committee Committee Members Ian Thomas, Chairman Gary Williams, Vocational Gil Aussems, Community Kevin Hadingham, International Peter Roden, Aquabox Rob Kilcullen, Festival
Service Committee Long Term Goals International 1.Identify plan and develop appropriate international projects in our region 2.Provide a range of opportunities to engage Eltham Rotarians, on and off shore 3.Involve at least 1 “hands on” Club team in an international project each year.
Service Committee Long Term Goals, contd. International, cont. 5.Provide funding for these projects including the use of “matching grants” where possible.
Service Committee Long Term Goals, contd. Community Service 1.Identify, plan and develop appropriate projects in our community. 2.Undertake at least 1 major “hands on” community project per year. 3.Provide sufficient funding for these projects including the use of District Simplified Grants.
Service Committee Long Term Goals, contd. Vocational Service 1.Identify, plan and develop appropriate projects in our community. 2.Provide sufficient funding for these projects.
Service Committee Short Term Goal Development International Fact finding trip to indigenous community Continue partnership with RC of Aizawal Visit by Eltham RC to Mizoram Develop sustainable business model for Aquabox Respond to ad hoc international requests East Timor Radiology project
Service Committee Short Term Goal Development Community Kangaroo Ground Observation Point Brinkotter Award Review Sound Shell proposal Food Share Andrew Ross Museum – KG Leith Park
Service Committee Short Term Goal Development Vocational Small Business excellence Award Vocational visits
Situations Vacant Club Archivist Administration Committee is looking to appoint an Archivist to seek out, collect, catalogue and control the Club’s history. Patience, imagination, tenacity and sheer bloody mindedness are but some of the qualities required. Interested members should apply to the Administration Committee.
Situations Wanted A number of club members, not associated with any of the Committees are requiring positions. Chairmen are encouraged to make contact with these members before it is too late and apathy sets in. Perish the thought!!