Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Celebrating Red Ribbon Week!
Have you signed up to participate in the annual Beef Cook Off? Foley High School has the opportunity to take up to 6 contestants to the Baldwin County Beef Cook Off hosted by the Cattlewomen's Association. Please get your application outside of Mrs. Leverett's door and return to her with a copy of your recipe. The Beef Cook Off is a great time to show off your skills, try some good food, and build your high school resume. Bon appetit!
We are entering the season of giving. Many of our organizations are fundraising for local agencies in our community. The United Way campaign ends on Friday. Student Council encourages everyone to make a donation before the campaign ends. Thank you for your support of United Way.
Have you donated your cans of food to Foley Theatre Company’s “Trick or Treat So Kids Can Eat” campaign? By your giving, Ecumenical Ministries will receive much needed groceries to carry them into the holidays. Turn your canned goods into your homeroom teacher today as the deadline is Friday. The homeroom that collects the most cans will receive a doughnut breakfast!
FFA is hosting a "kiss the pig" fundraiser. Have you voted for your favorite teacher or administrator to pucker up? Sources tell us Mr. Major is in the lead. If you want that to change, cast your vote for Mr. Akins, Ms. Harrison, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Major, Mrs. Goodwin, or Mrs. Hill. Vote for the one that you would like to “kiss the pig” by putting your money in the jar of your "favorite" teacher or administrator each day at lunch. The winning participant will get to kiss a sweet, cooperative pig at the pep rally on Thursday.
Seniors and juniors, Early Release and Dual Enrollment application packets for the spring term are available in the counseling and guidance office. Please see Mrs. Daniels, Mrs. Lores, or Mrs. Wilkerson for additional information. The deadline to turn in your application packet is Wednesday, November 12.
Seniors: it’s time to order your fall shirts. The white long sleeve shirt is $20 and the navy short sleeve shirt is $15 – this is a pre-order sale only. Stop by Mrs. K.’s room – room 207 – to order yours! The last day to order is Friday, November 7.
There are a limited number of extra yearbooks. The cost is $70. If you would like to purchase one, see Mrs. Styron in room 803.