Chapter 22: The Vietnam War Years Section 1: Moving Toward Coflict Pages: 730-735
America Supports France in Vietnam America’s involvement in Vietnam began in the 1950s USA Give French Massive economic and Military aid to fight communism
French Indochina War France’s attempt to reestablish rule in Vietnam after World War II From late 1800s until World War II France ruled most of Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia)
Ho Chi Minh Helped create Indochinese Communist Party Won Popular in North Vietnam support by breaking up large estates and redistributing land to the peasants
VIETMINH Japanese took control of Vietnam Ho Chi Minh helped create the Vietminh Goal was to win Vietnam’s independence from foreign rule 1945 Vietnam independent nation
France Battles the Vietminh In 1945 France controls south Vietnam President Truman pumps money into France’s war Ho Chi Minh one time ally of ours
President Eisenhower Domino Theory – countries on the brink of communism were waiting to fall one after the other
France Battles the Vietminh At the battle of DIEN BIEN PHU – France now surrenders to the Vietminh
GENEVA ACCORDS Geneva, Switzerland Temporarily divided Vietnam along the 17th Parallel North Vietnam = Ho Chi Minh and Communism South Vietnam = anticommunists
The United States Steps In
Ngo Dinh Diem South Vietnam’s President Anticommunist Country wide election between Ngo Dinh Diem and Ho Chi Minh cancelled because Americans fear Ho Chi Minh would win
Ngo Dinh Diem Corrupt government Little or no land distribution to peasants He was Catholic Restricted Buddhist practices Results in formation of Vietcong
VIETCONG Communist group in South Vietnam Fought Diem Government Later called NLF – NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT Ho Chi Minh supports the Vietcong
Ho Chi Minh Trail Path along borders of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to supply arms to Vietcong
KENNEDY & VIETNAM In response to accusations that the Democrats were soft on Communism…… HE Increased financial aid to Diem Sent thousands of military advisors to help train south Vietnamese troops