CACFP SUMMER TRAINING JULY 19, 2011 New CACFP Requirements, Updates and Important Reminders 1
Agenda New CACFP Webpage FY 2012 Application (Contract) Amending the Contract New Requirements – Guidance Memorandum Changes Important Updates Civil Rights Requirements 2
New CACFP Webpage 3
New CACFP Webpage 5
CACFP Application/Contract Reminders 6
FY 2012 CACFP Application 7
FY 2012 CACFP Application Read carefully and note any changes! 8
FY 2012 CACFP Application 9
“Enter-Modify Contract” 10
FY 2012 CACFP Application 11
FY 2012 CACFP Application Changes General Information Page: agencies must list # of sites participating for the upcoming year Authorized Representative will have phone extension block Board Member/Corporate Owner Page: all listed board members/corporate owners will need to list addresses Audit Reporting Page: For Profit agencies do not need to complete this page Controls A Page: N/A box added under Critical Steps ( At Risk & Emergency Shelters only) N/A boxes added under Meal Count Tallies and Menu Reviews: Our agency does not claim meals for infants under 1 year of age 12
FY 2012 CACFP Application Changes List of Sites Page: Added Statement: “Renewing agencies: Click the site(s) below to ensure all information is still current and correct and matches the license on file with DPI. If not revise the site information and/or submit copy of new license to DPI.” Site Application Page: Food Service Data –(edit check) for each meal/snack selected agency will be required to list the Average Daily Participation (ADP) greater than zero Meal Reimbursement Procedures – (edit check) If more than 2 meals/1 snack or more than 2 snacks and 1 meal selected agency must provide a narrative answer. Certification Page will have link to the permanent agreement 13
FY 2012 CACFP Application Changes Sponsoring Organizations Only Training Page: Added Civil Rights Requirement as a required training topic Controls C Page: Text field added for outside employment policy Text field added for agency policy on supervising/monitoring of agency staff that monitor the sites Removed edit check requirement for block claims Site Application Page: Reviews –(edit check) ALL data must be completed 14
Amending Your CACFP Application 15
Amending Your CACFP Application Notify DPI immediately when any of the following changes occur throughout the year... License changes For site location, days & hours of operation & license capacity Please fax or send revised licenses immediately upon receiving them from DCF Staff Changes Authorized Representative of the contract (will need birth date and address) Staff responsible for CACFP duties 16
Amending Your CACFP Application 17
Amending Your CACFP Application Log-in Make changes Click on "I agree and accept the certification" and "Submit" buttons Log-out!! your Consultant 18
Exercise Break! 19
Guidance Memorandum Changes Read them Implement any changes by the required dates Discard outdated guidance memos and replace them with the revised ones 21
Guidance Memorandum #1 Updates the Household Size-Income Statement: Requires only the last 4 digits of the social security number of the household member signing the form to be provided within Part 2. Requests for time period per amount of income received to be provided in Part 2. Provides a check box to indicate if no income is received by each household member in Part 2. Specifies that self-employed individuals need to report net income. 22
Guidance Memorandum #1 23
Guidance Memorandum #1 Foster children 1. Foster children are now categorically eligible as free, without a Household Size-Income Statement, if: 1. obtain documentation from an appropriate State or local agency indicating the status of the child as a foster child 2. obtain this documentation annually 2. Households with foster and non-foster children may include the foster child on the same Income Statement that includes their non-foster children. When processing the income statement: 1.certify the foster child as free 2.determine the remainder of the household based on the household’s income (including personal income earned by the foster child) and household size (including the foster child) 24
Guidance Memorandum #3 Claim Submission The maximum time allowed to submit an amended claim for an upward adjustment is changed from 90 days to 60 days. 25
Guidance Memorandum #5 Sponsoring Organizations Only Removes the requirement to monitor for block claims Adds the requirement to complete and document the annual civil rights training for all staff Adds a question to the Review form to monitor for compliance with the annual civil rights training requirement. Adds columns to the five-day reconciliation table within the review form to document the total number of children in attendance based on attendance records in addition to the total meal counts Adds that the timing of unannounced reviews must vary so they are unpredictable to the facilities 26
Guidance Memorandum #8 Civil Rights Updates the nondiscrimination statement and complaint filing procedure Adds the Spanish version of the nondiscrimination statement and complaint filing procedure Adds reference to the 8 ½ x 11 “…And Justice For All” poster for temporary use; a link has been added to the DPI Community Nutrition Team website to access this poster Adds a News Media Release to be used by “At Risk” After School Care Center agencies 27
Guidance Memorandum #9 Recordkeeping Requirements Adds requirement that inventory records of purchases, including date and source, must be kept when the receipts do not show the description of each item purchased 28
Guidance Memorandum #12C Meal Pattern Requirements In order to claim for children with disabilities who are over the age of 12 years, the center must have documentation from the appropriate regulating agency that its license or certification allows for the care of children with disabilities Adds the requirement to make water available to children Skim or low-fat (1%) milk is now required to be served to children over age of 2 years 29
Guidance Memorandum #12C Meal Pattern Requirements Specifies the change in documentation requirements for serving non- dairy milk substitutions Substitute Nutrition Standards NutrientPer Cup Calcium276 mg Protein8 g Vitamin A500 IU Vitamin D100 IU Magnesium24 mg Phosphorus222 mg Potassium349 mg Riboflavin.44 mg Vitamin B mcg (µg) 30
Guidance Memorandum #12C Meal Pattern Requirements Clarifies that all food components, including milk, must be served together at the same time in order for the meal or snack to be reimbursable Clarifies the Child Nutrition (CN) label requirement and provides an example of what a CN label looks like This 1.95 oz. Fully Cooked Beef Patty provides 1.5 oz. equivalent meat/meat alternative for the Child Nutrition Meal Pattern Requirements. (Use of this logo and statement authorized by the Food and Nutrition Service, USDA ) 31
Milk Audits DPI will be conducting milk audits during the CACFP reviews to ensure enough milk is purchased Make sure all milk receipts are on file and filed in an organized manner 33
Translated Forms The following forms will be available in Spanish and Hmong: Household Size-Income Statement Parent Letter Infant Meal Notification Meal Pattern Chart for children ages 1-12 years CACFP Enrollment Form Infant Meal Pattern Chart Eating and Feeding Evaluation: Children with Special Needs Household Contact letter for parents They will be available on the CACFP website by the end of August 34
DUNS Number Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Needed to comply with the reporting requirement called the Federal Funds and Accounting Transparency Act (FFATA) Unique DUNS # for each agency If your agency participates in more than one Federal program, you should only have one DUNS # If your agency does not have a DUNS number, you will need to obtain one Refer to letter sent on May 3, 2011, for instructions 35
Civil Rights 36
Civil Rights Training All agencies are required to train staff members who interact with program participants on civil rights requirements Training must be conducted annually Documentation must be on file stating: staff who received training topics covered date training was completed Refer to website to access the Civil Rights Requirements Power Point presentation 37
Civil Rights Training Topics Specific topics must include, but not be limited to: Public Notification System Outreach and Education Data Collection Reasonable Accommodations Language Assistance Civil Rights Complaint Procedures Technical Assistance and Training Customer Service Conflict Resolution 38
39 What is Discrimination? The act of distinguishing one person or group of persons from other, either intentionally, by neglect, or by the effect of actions or lack of actions based on their protected classes: Race Color National Origin Sex Disability Age
40 Examples of Discrimination Refuse a child’s enrollment based on disability Failure to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled individuals Serving meals at a time, place, or manner that is discriminatory Selectively distributing applications and income forms Failure to provide the same eligibility criteria to all participants Failure to provide foreign language materials regarding CACFP
Equal Access All children who attend a day care must be provided equal access to the benefits of the CACFP Infants must be offered infant formula and food at the center, and parents cannot be asked or required to supply these items To withhold the program from any eligible age group is age discrimination 41
Public Notification 42
Methods of Public Notification News Media Release Annually submit to local news media outlet (newspaper) Keep copy on file stating where and when submitted Post “And Justice for All” Poster Includes the USDA’s nondiscrimination statement and lists the USDA contact information for filing a complaint of discrimination. Public Release (Parental Notification) Inform the general public that your agency sponsors the CACFP and that meals are provided at no separate charge. 43
“And Justice for All” Poster All agencies participating in Child Nutrition Programs must display the USDA’s non- discrimination poster in a prominent area where participants and potential participants have access Examples: cafeteria/food service area, office, parent bulletin board Must be posted at every site Must be 11” x 17” format 44
Public Notification System Parental Notification (“Building for the Future”) Flier (newly revised 6-10) 45 Amanda S. Kane, Director Community Nutrition Programs Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Your contact info here: Agency name AR name Phone number Address
46 Public Notification System All organizations participating in the CACFP must provide informational materials in the appropriate translation concerning the availability and nutritional benefits of the program
Outreach and Education 47
Required Non-Discrimination Statement Language “In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.” “To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C or call toll free (866) (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) ; or (800) (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.” 48 Include non-discrimination statement on all materials that mention or imply CACFP and/or USDA programs (including websites)
Required Non-Discrimination Statement “This institution is an equal opportunity provider.” If the material or document is too small to permit the full statement (previous slide) the material MUST, at a minimum, include: 49 CACFP Website - Guidance Memos:
Racial/Ethnic Data Collection 50
Obtain racial/ethnic data through Voluntary self-identification or self-reporting (preferred method) Income application: Household applications that are completed each year and submitted to the center have a section for the household to identify their racial and ethnic data (households are not required to complete this) If a household chooses not to provide racial/ethnic information, you may use one of the following two methods: – Visual identification by a center official – Personal knowledge, records or other documentation your agency possesses that identifies household racial/ethnic data. 51
Data Collecting and Reporting Collect ethnic data first, then racial data 1. Ethnicity categories : Hispanic or Latino Non-Hispanic or Non-Latino 2. Racial categories (instructions should specify “mark one or more”) American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White 52
Racial or Ethnic Data Form 53 Complete form annually and keep on file
Conflict Resolution 54
Conflict Resolution The USDA recommends using an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) program ADR Definition: use of a neutral third party (usually a person acting as a facilitator) to resolve informally a complaint of discrimination through use of various techniques such as fact finding, mediation, peer panels, facilitation, ombudsman support, or conciliation. Visit for more information. 55
Reasonable Accommodation of Persons with Disabilities 56
Providing Menu Item Substitutions USDA regulations only require substitutions or modifications in CACFP meals for children whose disabilities restrict their diets based on a licensed physician’s assessment Example: food allergies causing life-threatening anaphylactic reactions Disabilities must be documented by a physician’s statement Physician statement must: state the name of the child’s disability, identify how it limits one of the major life activities, specify foods the child cannot have and the foods to be substituted Generally, children with food allergies or intolerances do not have a disability. The center may, but is not required to, make food substitutions under these circumstances Example: lactose intolerance, sensitivity to food additives 57
Language Assistance 58
59 Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Definition: Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and have limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English Recipients of Federal financial assistance have a responsibility to take reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access to their programs and activities by persons with LEP
60 Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Children should not be used as interpreters. Volunteers may be used, but make sure they understand interpreter ethics – particularly confidentiality! Example: Spanish teacher could assist a household in completing an application but would need to be trained on the importance of keeping all information received from the household confidential
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) A shortage of resources does not eliminate the translation requirement Suggestions: Share resources to save money Use interpreter from another area Train bilingual staff to be interpreters Contact grassroots organizations to discuss translation or assistance from within the community Language line phone services may be available for a subscription fee through your local telephone service provider 61
Complaint Procedures 62
Handling Civil Rights Complaints Centers are required to develop and implement a written procedure to handle any discrimination complaint that may be received Any person who believes he or she or someone he/she knows has been discriminated against based on Federal protected classes (ie. National origin, race, etc.) has a right to file a complaint within 180 days of the alleged discriminatory action. Complainants may contact USDA or DPI to register a complaint. 63
64 Handling Civil Rights Complaints Complaints can be written or verbal Anonymous complaints should be handled as any other complaint All verbal or written complaints must be forwarded to the WI DPI or Civil Rights Division of USDA Food and Nutrition Service within three days of receiving a complaint Sponsors must give complainants a Civil Rights Complaint Form to complete Document all potential complaints in a Civil Rights Complaint Log Have a central location where the Civil Rights Complaint Forms and Civil Rights Complaint Log will be kept
Customer Service 65
Understanding Differences: Respectful Language Put the person first Example: USE “person with a disability”, NOT “disabled person” wCFSQeDQodKghFfA Use culturally sensitive language Example: USE “Asian”, NOT “Oriental” language.html Use inclusive/respectful terms Example: USE “chair”, NOT “chairman” achtip/inclusiv.htm 66
Ask yourself each time you interact with participants… How would I want to be addressed? Am I treating this person in the same manner I treat others? Have I informed this person exactly what information I need to make a determination on the application? Have I given this person the opportunity to clarify all relevant factors or inconsistencies and ask questions? Have I provided this person with needed information to make necessary decisions? 67
Civil Rights Summary 68
Summary: Civil Rights “Must Do List” Provide the CACFP in a nondiscriminatory manner Must offer meals to all children in the day care and meal substitutions to participants with disabilities Distribute the Infant Meal Notification form (or other approved form) to families of all newly enrolling infants 69
Summary: Civil Rights “Must Do List” Prominently display the “And Justice for All” poster Non-discrimination statement must be on all printed materials available to the public which mention USDA and/or CACFP, including websites Distribute the “Building for the Future” flier to all newly enrolling families 70
Summary: Civil Rights “Must Do List” Annually complete the Civil Rights Data Collection Form Annually submit the News Media Release to the local news media outlet Provide informational materials in the appropriate translation concerning the availability and nutritional benefits of the CACFP 71
Summary: Civil Rights “Must Do List” Train staff annually on Civil Rights and complete a training form Develop & implement your Civil Rights Complaint Procedure Make available to all staff: Civil Rights complaint forms, Civil Rights Log and Civil Rights complaint procedure Refer all Civil Rights complaints to DPI or USDA 72
Questions? 73