Assessing the RM Environment
Day 3: Session 2 b
Delivery by Region (Emergency and Non-Emergency, )
Top Resource Partners (Based on ADAM’s FAO Strategic Framework View ) RAF 1.United States 2.World Bank (IDA) 3.EU 4.Japan 5.France RAP 1.World Bank (IBRD) 2.World Bank (IDA) 3.Japan 4.United States 5.Asian Development Bank RLC 1.Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) 2.United States 3.Japan 4.Spain 5.EU RNE 1.United States 2.EU 3.World Bank (IBRD) 4.Germany 5.France REU 1.EU 2.United States 3.World Bank (IDA) 4.World Bank (IBRD) 5.European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
RAF: SO and FO View (Field Programme, )
RAF: Donor spending by SO (ADAM, ODA Commitments ) I: Improved prepearedness for and effective response to emergencies G: Enabling environment for markets to improve livelihoods and rural development H: Improved food securty and better nutrition F: Sustainable management of land, water and genetic resources and improved responses to environmental challenges L: Increased and more effective public and private investment in agriculture and rural development A: Sustainable intensification of crop production D: Improved quality and safety of food at all stages of the food chain E: Sustainable management of forests and trees K: Gender equity in access to resources, goods, services and decision-making in the rural areas C: Sustainable management and use of fisheries and aquaculture resources B: Increased sustainable livestock production
RAF: Top 10 donors (ADAM, ODA Commitments ) The top five OECD donors in RAF are the United States, World Bank (IDA), the EU, Japan and France.
Engaging Resource Partners
Day 3: Session 4
Round Table: EU Emergency funds GEF Host Govt and IFIs Private Sector UNJPs/MUL