Outline: 1.Our Story 2.Competitions and Awards 3.Mission and Vision 4.Services 5.Good quality guarantee 6.Major events 7.Partnering with us 8.Sponsors and Partners 9.Contact us
1. Our story Unemployed women who: - Are looking for a part time job/work from home jobs - Have good cooking skills Working women/men who: - Have no time to cook - Need healthy food Finding the need:
1. Our story Filling the gap: The aim of our project is to support unemployed women and provide them with opportunities that enhance their expertise and offer them a sustainable source of income. Busy working mothers can greatly benefit from healthy, home-cooked meals. It is a mutually beneficial cause! Our goal is to involve the private sector and promote corporate social responsibility. Our role is to promote and market homemade, quality dishes and assign catering events to women that are looking to improve the overall welfare of their lives and their families.
2. Competitions and Awards Women to Women Success is a social initiative about women empowerment, launched by CSR in Action by Al-Ahli Group ( in partnership with ESA ( GSVC, Global Social Venture Competition: managed by ESSEC Business School, partnered with USJ (Universite Saint Joseph) and Berytech W2W was selected between the 10 final projects Nabad Competition: a Social Entrepreneurship Incubator launched by arcenciel, in partnership with Beyond Reform & Development, supported by the Promoting Active Citizen Engagement Program (PACE) and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID): W2W was one the winners and USAID will fund the project till June 8 th 2013 She Entrepreneurs Program: a leadership program for young social entrepreneurs in the Middle East, North Africa and Sweden Lama Diab, Co-founder was selected to be part of the program
3. Mission and Vision Our Mission Improve the livelihood of families, by creating job opportunities for unemployed women Train and empower unemployed women who are skilled cooks Help working women by providing their families with healthy meals Our Vision Improve the life conditions of both unemployed and working women
4. Services We provide catering services for different events (dinners, conferences etc.) We prepare in-house meals We make sure to deliver healthy, homemade and customized menus for our clients We allocate catering services based on the location and the required qualifications of the cooks Homemade
5. Good quality guaranteed The women undergo several trainings during the year: Food safety and contamination by Francine Francis: a licensed Clinical Dietician and certified trainer Interpersonal and communication skills by Roula Chamseddine: an HR Professional and a certified trainer Marketing and sales by Soha Itani: a marketing instructor and trainer Etiquette by Mariella Bassar: a certified “brand and image consultant” Customer service by Mirna Kasaifi Cooking sessions by Abdallah Khodor: a professional chef 4 of our women are doing the LAFS certification seal
6. Major events Georges Khoury buffet December 2013 Cooking Workshops at Al Zarif & Al Shoueifat Schools
6. Major events AUB Buffet CSR in Action Workshop 2013 Memac Ogilvy Buffet December 2013
6. Major events Makhzoumi Foundation and ARMADILLA S.C.S. workshop Bank Audi Marathon Breakfast 2013
By ordering from us you would be: Ordering healthy food Contributing to a social cause Support women empowerment This would be part of your CSR initiative Why don’t you try us to see for yourself 7. Partnering with us… a Win-Win situation
8. Our Sponsors
9. Contact us Co-founders: Maud Jabbour Lama Diab W2W: Contact Number : Address: Website: Thank You !