Students For Democratic Society Movement Miranda Dixon
Table of contents What was the SDS? Port Huron Statement Berkeley Columbia University Kent State University Other branches of the SDS Conclusion
Where Did The SDS Come From? The SDS was originally the SLID, Student League for Industrial Democracy. Which was a student lead branch of the LID. The LID’s main purpose was to educate people about how to create a social order based around production, not power. In 1959 Al Habar, a member of the SLID, created the SDS wanting to do more than to just talk about educating others on how to change society, but wanted to literally change society.
The SDS The SDS welcomed students of all kinds. Whether they be Liberals, Socialists, Conservatives, and even communist. Students joined for several reasons, racial equality, Vietnam, to expose university scandal. Their main place of protest was usually universities. Had no form of government due to there hatred of hierarchies, but did have a document in which they followed called the Port Huron Statement.
Port Huron Statement Written by Tom Hayden and Al Habar in It was the code that the SDS followed within their battles for civil rights. It encouraged Independence, and individuality. It was also the reason why the SDS protested and gathered on university campus’s. The Port Huron statement states, “ The fundamental qualities of life on campus reflect society as a whole.” Basically change the campus, change society.
The Berkeley Free Speech Movement In 1964 SDS members tried to inform students at the Berkeley campus about civil rights using literature tables. Administrators tried to shut them down, violating their freedom of speech, and causing over 800 students to riot by taking over the administration building. This was the first major act of direct action, trying to expose the wrong doings of an institution. Also inspired students to expose universities that were brainwashing students into a corporate America.
Columbia On April 23, 1968 SDS rallied at Columbia University to protest because they believed that the university was using funds to fund the war, they also thought the university was being racist towards the neighborhood of Harlem. Students took, the dean hostage, took over the presidents office, and other buildings over for six days police were called in, and 711 students were arrested, and 148 were injured.
Kent State On April 30, 1970 Nixon announced that he was expanding the war into Cambodia in hopes to find the Ho Chi Minh Trial. This angered students everywhere, SDS and non SDS members, so they decided to hold a 4 day long protest at Kent State University Ohio. On May 1 st students started to gather, starting at the liberty bell on campus, and buried a copy of the constitution. On May 2 nd SDS members help burn the campus’s ROTC building, causing a chain reaction of over 30 ROTC buildings nation wide to be burned.
Kent State Continued.. On May 3 rd, The National Guard was call onto the campus, and given orders to shoot if the need was there. On May 4 th, thousands of students gathered to demonstrate again over the invasion of Cambodia, and the presence of the National Guard on campus. National Guards tried to verbally disperse the protesters, and when they wouldn’t go, the guardsmen retaliated with tear gas. When students still refused to leave the National Guard, on command, opened fire for 13 seconds killing 4, and wounding 9.
The Weathermen Weathermen was an extension of the SDS. Like the SDS they fought against the war in Vietnam, but through more violent and radical ways. With the SDS demonstration involving violence, demonstrators were usually peaceful until forced to fight. Other activist groups like the Black panther party didn’t approve of the weather men due to their naive, and unorganized tendencies.
Four Days of Rage On October 8 th, 1969 the weathermen rallied in Lincoln Heights Chicago, equipped with helmets, bats, pipes, chains, ect.. Without any notable cause they ransacked the town smashing cars, buildings, and violently attacking anyone who tried to stop them. Files were charged against them by the FBI due to bombs being found in Capital buildings, police cars, and other places. This is when the weathermen turned into the weathermen underground, trying to hide from the authorities.
Conclusion This was the first time that kids were trying to do something to change society. It also brought focus to the internal problems within our society, and out of Vietnam It was the first time that our protectors being the police, or National Guard showed what cruelty they could produce against the people they were suppose to be protecting.