The Image Of Buddha
Distinctive Features of Buddha Ushnisha Urna Ears Feet Swastika Wheel Mudras
Ushnisha The Ushnisha is one of the 32 marks of a great being. It is the cranial bump of Buddha. It represents his superior wisdom
Urna The Urna is the dot on Buddha’s forehead. It is thought to have been a tuft of hair or a “third eye”. It represents inner vision and the power to illuminate the world with his teachings.
Ears Buddha is depicted with elongated earlobes. This reflects the fact that he was a prince before becoming the Buddha and therefore was adorned with jewelry as was custom for the time. The ears can also symbolize Buddha’s ability to hear the cries of suffering of humanity.
Buddha’s Feet Buddha was said to be able to walk immediately after birth. Imprinted on his feet were spoked wheels. In his footsteps, Lotus flowers blossomed.
Swastika Today the Swastika represents the Nazi party, however it is an ancient symbol that stands for peace. It was said to have adorned Buddha’s body and can often be seen on his feet, hands, and chest.
Wheel The wheel of the law or Dharma Chakra represents the teachings of Buddha. Buddha was said to have been imprinted with wheels on his hands and feet.
Mudras Mudras are the various hand poses seen on images of Buddha around the world. Each Mudra conveys a unique message and meaning
Mudras Abhaya Mudra (Fearlessness) The gesture of fearlessness and protection, representing spiritual power. This mudra is most often seen in standing Buddhas. Vitarka Mudra (discussion, debate, teaching) This one handed gesture represents the Buddha talking, debating and teaching.
Mudras Dharmachakra (wheel turning) Incorporates two vitarkas (or one vitarka and one hand held still in the lap) Represents the Buddha’s first sermon
Mudras Varada Mudra (Gift Giving) Varada Mudra (Gift Giving) Varada Mudra (Gift Giving) The gesture of gift-giving or bestowal. Bhumisparsha Mudra (Earth Witness) Bhumisparsha Mudra (Earth Witness) Bhumisparsha Mudra (Earth Witness) The gesture of "earth witness," which the Buddha is said to have made at the time of his Enlightenment.
Mudras Dhyana Mudra (Meditation) Dhyana Mudra (Meditation) Dhyana Mudra (Meditation) The gesture of meditation.
Buddhas around the world Yunnan, China
Buddha near Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Wat Mahathat, Sukothai, Thailand
Reclining Buddha, Penang, Malaysia
Da FO (Grand Buddha), Leshan, Sichuan, China
Monumental Buddha image, Wat Si Chum. Sukothai, Thailand
Buddha images in Wat Chai Mongkon, swathed in sacred cloth as a sign of reverence. Ayuthaya, Thailand
Different Interpretations Was Buddha skinny or was he fat? The emaciated Buddha is one representation. The “plump” Buddha is from the T’ang Dynasty in China.
Destroyed Buddha of Bamyan, Afghanistan
Laughing Buddha, Lingyin Temple, Hangzhou, China
Wat Phra Mahatha, Ayuthaya, Thailand
Kamakura, Japan
Smiling Buddha face, Bayon Temple, Angkor Wat Temple Complex, Cambodia
Nha Trang, Long Son Pagoda, lying Buddha
Mucalinda Buddha, Laos
Vinh Ngiem pagoda. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Great Stupa, Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh, India
Wild Goose Pagoda, Xi’an, China
Buddhist Pagoda, Kyoto, Japan
Tashi Gomang Stupa, Tibet