Germany is located between France and Poland. The capital of Germany is Berlin The population of Germany is 82 million Germany is in western Europe. Germany is popular for high mountains and deep forests.
Breakfast: Breads like toast or rolls, with jam, eggs, marmalade or meats like salami or ham. With a strong coffee or hot cocoa for kids.
Lunch is the main meal of the day and is eaten around 12. And usually a small dinner although now its changed so dinner is the main meal of the day as it is more relaxing and they like having a nice hot meal.
For side dishes things with potatoes or dumplings are very popular. Also noodles are very popular for example Spatzle which has a lot of egg yolk. Potatoes are usually used for mashed potatoes or French fries.
For Germans beer and wine are both very popular as every region in German has their own special kind of beer or wine.
Cakes and tarts with fresh fruit is very common. Also doughnuts or cheesecake. Ice cream and sorbet are very popular nowadays. They also love there black forest cake.
Most of the vegetables they use are made into soups or stews. They most common veggies are cabbage, potatoes, carrots, spinach, turnips, peas, beans and asparagus.
Germans are love there bread. As it is a big part of the German diet. It is served with nearly every meal.