Dien Bien Phu (1954) French defeated at Dien Bien Phu Geneva Agreement (1954) Divides Vietnam at 17th parallel Ike uses Domino Theory as justification for intervention Support Diem in S. Vietnam
Diem Regime (54-63) Ngo Dinh Diem president Diem’s popularity fades JFK has 16,000 men in S Vietnam. Diem’s popularity fades Attacks Buddhist Nepotism Results Vietcong grows in South Diem overthrown by military coup (63)
Tonkin Gulf Incident (1964) LBJ’s standing shot up In a few years, his credibility will be destroyed
U.S. Role Increases Vietcong attack U.S base at Pleiku (1965) Operation Rolling Thunder (1965-68) Limited War Not invade the North. Don’t want China or Soviets involved Decided on war of attrition and pacification (hamlets) Alienate peasants
Jungle Warfare The enemy: Vietcong Who truly is the enemy? Dangers Farmer and guerilla Willing to accept high causalities Resolved Who truly is the enemy? They all look the same Search and destroy missions Unsuccessful Alienate peasants Dangers Ambushes Booby Traps Land Mines Heat Malaria Foliage Napalm Agent Orange Ho Chi Minh Trail Limited War Wins based on body count Other issues drugs
1968: A Pivotal Year The Tet Offensive Effects Jan. 30, 1968 LBJ outlines plans to end the war peacefully Escalation stops LBJ not run for Prez Divided Democrats
Morale Low No territorial gains Body counts on T.V every night (MEDIA PLAYS A BIG ROLE!!!) 1968 = 500 dead a week Wonder what we were fighting for Were we becoming the enemy?
Protest: Hawks vs Doves Columbia University 1968 March on the Pentagon 1967
Protest: African American
Nixon’s War “Peace with honor” “Vietnamization” Nixon’s Doctrine U.S honor existing commitments, but in future, Asia will have to fight their own wars (no troops) Secret War w/ Cambodia Appeals to “silent majority” Tough on crime Not push Civil Rights policies “Southern Strategy”
My Lai Massacre (Spring ’68) 200-400 villagers massacred by U.S. soldiers Revealed in Nov. ’69, increasing protest
Student Protest (1970) Kent State (Ohio) Jackson State (Miss.) Possible Results Congress repealed Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 26th Amendment (1971) – lowering the voting age to 18
Pentagon Papers (1971)
End of War Saigon falls 1975 (under Carter) “Christmas Bombings” (’72) Paris Accords (Jan. ’73) U.S withdraw in 60 days 17th parallel divide N and S POWs released War Powers Act (‘73) Prez must notify Congress within 48 hrs of deploying troops Must withdraw troops unless gets Congress approval within 90 days Saigon falls 1975 (under Carter)
The Cost 3 mill Vietnamese killed 58,000 Americans killed 300,000 wounded 2,583 POW/ MIA $118 billion Lose of trust in govt Genocide in Cambodia