1 Effective Safety & Health Assessments: Audits and Inspections Disclaimer: These safety materials, resources and PowerPoint ® presentations are not intended to replace your company's health and safety policies or to substitute for specific state and federal standards. We do not guarantee the absolute accuracy of the material contained within these resources. Please refer to applicable state and federal standards for regulatory compliance.
2 Why Conduct Safety Audits and Inspections? Protect your most valuable assets: your employees Detect and eliminate unsafe conditions and unsafe acts before incidents occur Verify compliance with federal and local regulations, as well as company policies, rules and procedures
3 Audits vs. Inspections Inspections Periodic surveys of facilities, equipment, hazard exposures, work practices and behaviors Audits Systematic review of safety systems, programs and practices
4 Who / How Often? Inspections are conducted by managers, supervisors or employees who have the ability to identify hazards in the workplace Before you determine how often to conduct audits and inspections, define the purpose and objectives
5 Types Of Inspections Formal, planned inspections “As-needed inspections” Walk-through inspections
6 What To Document What was wrong Where it occurred Action taken (or recommended) to correct Assigned responsibility to correct (or get management to delegate) The correction due date A follow-up or verification date
7 Communicate Results Management, supervisors and employees need to know the results of the audit / inspection
8 Follow Up Have hazards or behavior been eliminated or modified? Are trends developing that need to be addressed?
9 Summary: Leadership's Role Establish an assessment system Audit and see that others are conducting assessments See that corrective actions are taken Review assessment information
10 Quiz All Questions True or False Q: Conducting safety audits and inspections will help detect and eliminate unsafe conditions and unsafe acts before incidents occur. A: True
11 Quiz All Questions True or False Q: An inspection is a systematic review of safety systems, programs and practices. A: False
12 Quiz All Questions True or False Q: Inspections should only be conducted by managers and supervisors who have the ability to identify hazards in the workplace. A: False
13 Quiz All Questions True or False Q: Audit and inspection results should be communicated to management, supervisors and employees. A: True
14 Quiz All Questions True or False Q: Follow-up is an important step in audit and inspection processes. A: True
15 Resources Facilitator Guide Facilitator Guide Sample Inspection Checklist Sample Inspection Checklist
16 LOWER INCIDENTS No one gets hurt at work through LOWER* incidents. *(Limiting Oilfield Workers' Exposures and Risks) Go to next presentation