1 The European Union’s Asia-Invest Programme 2003-2007 Building EU-Asia Business Partnerships.


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Presentation transcript:

1 The European Union’s Asia-Invest Programme Building EU-Asia Business Partnerships

2 One of 5 EC regional co-operation initiatives with Asia Asia-Invest aims to promote and support business co- operation between the EU and Asia Asia-Invest assists business organisations through a range of co-financing activities and high-quality projects that facilitate trade and investment 164 projects implemented under the first phase for €30 million –50% of projects involving China, 30% of projects involving South-East Asia, 20% of projects involving South Asia Second 5-year phase, Asia-Invest II, to build upon the success of the first phase with €41 million Asia-Invest EU-Asia Business co-operation

3 Regional co-operation Eligible countries Asia: Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China East Timor India Indonesia Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam EU: Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden United Kingdom Organisations from Singapore, Brunei, Hong Kong and Macao are welcome to participate as Associated Partners in project activities, provided they finance their own participation.

4 Strengthen mutual trade and investment flows between the EU and Asia: Increase awareness of business potential between the two regions Facilitate opportunities for partnerships between SMEs Enhance Asian private sector development and its internationalisation Reinforce institutional capacity, business dialogue and networking of business intermediaries Particular efforts to enhance the export capabilities and FDI of the less prosperous countries in Asia Asia-Invest II Key objectives

5 Three main priority areas: Business to business match-making for companies –providing opportunities for partnership, in particular between SMEs Development of the Asian private sector –strengthening the capacity of companies to develop partnerships with EU companies and market research to unlock new business opportunities, especially in the less prosperous countries Capacity-building and networking for intermediaries –improving the business environment by building the capacity of business intermediary organisations and opportunities for networking Asia-Invest II Areas of activity

6 Asia-Invest II Call for Proposals Separate Award Procedure Asia-Invest Forum Asia Investment & Trade Facilitation Studies Match-making activities Private sector development Institutional capacity building Asia Venture Asia-Interprise Asia-Partenariat Asia-Invest Technical Assistance Asia-Invest Alliance A new phase of opportunities

7 Asia-Venture Business missions Targeting developing markets Small-scale trade missions and flexible business encounters to raise EU awareness about opportunities in less prosperous countries in Asia and promote their market potential In one or more sectors, involving at least 10 visiting and 15 hosting companies Targeting Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, East Timor, Laos, Nepal, Indonesia and Pakistan Maximum project duration:24 months EC grant range:€ EC contribution to total costs: % –Up to 95% for Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, East Timor, Laos, Nepal and up to 80% for Indonesia and Pakistan

8 Asia Venture Activities Typical activities Promotion of market potential for trade Trade missions from the EU/from Asia –eg. bringing a small number of EU companies to meet with SMEs from eligible Asian countries and vice versa Combining such activities with other events eg. trade fairs invest/html2002/aip2_asiaventurescheme.htm

9 Asia-Interprise Business match-making Business to business match-making events Medium-scale business encounters in the EU or Asia, involving one or several sectors At least 30 hosting companies and 20 visiting companies Maximum project duration: 24 months EC grant range(up to 150 companies): € EC grant range(over 150 companies): € EC contribution to total costs: Up to 50%

10 Asia-Interprise Business match-making Typical activities Identification and selection of companies, preparation of catalogue, targeted promotion and search for potential participants Business preparation for companies involved in match- making (market information, business and culture familiarisation for targeted sectors) Organisation of face-to-face business meetings for EU and Asian SMEs Follow-up activities to support the realisation of the partnerships invest/html2002/aip2_asiainterprisescheme.htm

11 Asia-Interprise Examples Past projects Naples, Italy, 'The Food Industry: possible agreements between EU and Chinese companies, June 2001 –100 EU and Asian companies, 738 business meetings Kuala Lumpur, ‘Co-operation Meeting Water Technologies’, March 2002 –75 EU and Asian companies, 266 business meetings Dusseldorf, Germany, “AMBasia” Automation/process control, medical and biotechnology, November 2002 –149 EU and Asian companies, 790 business meetings

12 Asia Partenariat Annual business match-making event Large-scale match-making in Asia Large scale multi-sector business meetings in Asia to facilitate partnerships between EU and Asian companies Separate Call for Proposals EC grant: € Maximum EC contribution: 50% Typical activities Identification and selection of Asian host companies, p romotion campaign of the Asian country in the EU, business preparation for companies prior to match-making, organisation of the 2 days match-making meetings, follow-up activities to support potential partnerships

13 Asia Partenariat Activities Past Partenariats ASEAN (1997), India (1999), Malaysia (2002), China (2002) Up and coming Partenariats EU-Sri Lanka Partenariat (3-4 June 2004) EU-India (2005) EU-Thailand (2005) invest/html2002/aip2_asiapartenariatscheme.htm

14 Technical Assistance Development of private sector in Asia Strengthening SMEs in Asia Asian private sector support: training and upgrading of skills of Asian companies Maximum project duration: 24 months EC grant range: € EC contribution to total costs: % –Up to 95% for Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, East Timor, Laos, Nepal; up to 80% for Indonesia and Pakistan; up to 50% for all remaining eligible countries Typical activities Training of at least 10 Asian companies to contribute to internationalising their business strategies for sustainable trade and investment

15 Technical Assistance Development of the private sector in Asia Typical activities Upgrading the marketing and technical know-how of Asian SMEs Training for Asian organisations on technical regulations for access to international markets Collaborative workshops for standards and quality management Exchange of best practice, production techniques, technological know-how to strengthen links to EU companies invest/html2002/aip2_asiainvesttechnicalassistancescheme.htm

16 Technical Assistance Development of the private sector in Asia Past projects Training on EU technical standards and Quality Management systems (China) Train the trainers on multi-modal transport and logistics management (Vietnam) Technology transfer to the fine jewellery sector (the Philippines) Research Technology Know How, Transfer and Training Co- operation for Development in the Jute Industry channel to develop new high added value products (Bangladesh)

17 Asia-Invest Alliance Institutional capacity-building Strengthening networks between EU and Asia Institutional capacity building of Asian intermediaries to effectively service local companies Enhanced networking and dialogue between EU and Asian intermediaries to develop a meaningful and sustainable network and to facilitate new trade and investment opportunities Necessary to invite the EU Chamber of Commerce to participate in the proposal Maximum project duration: 24 months EC grant range: € EC contribution to total costs: % –Up to 95% for Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, East Timor, Laos, Nepal; up to 80% for Indonesia and Pakistan; up to 75% for all remaining eligible countries

18 Asia-Invest Alliance Activities Typical activities Capacity building, workshops and training –business familiarisation –market opportunities –organisational methods –promotional strategies Mutual visits and staff exchanges Creation of information links and the exchange of match- making opportunities between EU and Asian intermediaries –developing a partner search database aip2_asiainvestalliancescheme.htm

19 Asia-Invest II Proposal status 2003 Maximum of 75 projects for €6.5M for 4 instruments (Partenariat as a separate Call) 39 proposals submitted under first deadline involving 172 organisations in partnership; 16 projects approved (41%) for €2.25 million 42 proposals submitted under second deadline involving 122 organisations in partnership, still being evaluated Call for Proposal 2003 remains open with the third deadline on 8 January 2004 New Call for Proposals 2004 to be launched in January 2004 with two deadlines (April and October 2004)

20 Asia-Invest II How to Apply Who can submit a proposal? These non-profit eligible organisations: Chambers of Commerce Sector-specific trade and industrial associations Agencies promoting trade and investment (including Boards of Investment) Business and professional associations Technology, management, standards and quality institutes

21 Asia-Invest II Procedures for funding How to prepare a proposal to receive a grant? Form a strong partnership between at least one EU and one Asian organisation (your own network or Partner Search on Asia-Invest web site) Review the Guidelines for Applicants following a Call for Proposals (published on Asia-Invest web site) Prepare proposal carefully according to Guidelines for Applicants including the Application Form (Annex A) and Budget (Annex B) and other necessary documentation Refer to the FAQs and suggestions for best practice (regularly updated on the Asia-Invest web site) Submit proposal to the Commission for evaluation invest/html2002/howtoapply.htm

22 Partner Search Finding an EU partner organisation Euro-Info Centres network Contact EICs for partner information Partner Search facility on Asia-Invest web site Register your contact details and project ideas invest/psdb/psdb_introduction.htm

23 Asia-Invest Studies Trade and investment facilitation ‘Guidebooks’ for EU investors in Asia Market research activities on trade and investment to provide companies with independent, in-depth analyses of the framework conditions related to the business environment and opportunities available in Asian countries Past studies Bangladesh (2001), Nepal (2001), Sri Lanka (2001), India (2002), Vietnam (2002) Up and coming studies New Opportunities for EU Companies in the ASEAN area (2003) Guidebook for EU Investors in Pakistan (2004) Guidebook for EU Investors in Cambodia (2004) Impact of EU Enlargement on EC-India Country Strategy Paper (2004) Economic Integration in SAARC (2004)

24 Asia-Invest Forum Platform for networking Networking for intermediaries Workshops and conferences to promote networking and dialogue among EU and Asian business intermediaries, institutional dialogue between public authorities and private sector In conjunction with the Asia-Invest Partner Search facility Past Forum China, 5 November 2002 Up and coming projects Ho Chi Minh, October 2003 Sri Lanka (31 May - 1 June 2004)

25 Promotion and information Key areas of support Promotion and marketing Web site, promotional literature (Updates, flyers, project fact sheets, resource sheets), mailing lists, collaboration with Delegations, presentations, missions, Information Sessions Assistance to potential applicants Guidelines for Applicants, Application A to Z, FAQs, results feedback Partner Search networking facility listing organisations and their project ideas and interests (90 organisations registered)

26 Further information How to stay updated Visit the Asia-Invest web site –Subscribe to the Asia-Invest Update –Read the latest developments and up and coming activities (‘News’ and ‘Events’) –Review open Calls for Proposals and Guidelines for Applicants (‘How to Apply’) –Review Project Fact Sheets (‘Projects’) –Read studies by country (‘Publications’) –Register on the Asia-Invest Partner Search facility (‘Partner Search’) –View Suggestions for Best Practice (‘Instruments’)

27 Contact Details European Commission EuropeAid Co-operation Office Asia -Invest 1049 Brussels - Belgium Tel: Fax: Delegations to the European Commission in Asia

28 EuropeAid Co-operation Office EU-Asia co-operation programmes Other regional co-operation initiatives Asia-Pro Eco: co-operation in environmental issues Asia-Urbs : co-operation in urban development Asia-IT&C: co-operation in information & communications technologies Asia-Link: co-operation in higher education AUNP: Asean University Network Programme