Vietnam War Chapter 22 Section 1
Beginning French Indochina War France = trying to gain control back in Vietnam America Supports France Massive economic aide France ruled Vietnam Laos Cambodia Restricted freedom of speech = jailed nationalists
Vietnam Revolutionaries fled to China Ho Chi Minh Created the Indochinese Communist Party Returned home with help Vietminh Organization who wanted independence from France
France Battle Vietminh France not giving up Ho Chi Minh fights from the North Truman send $15 million to France Next 4 years U.S. pays for much of the war = $1 Billion
Drive out the French Battle of Dien Vien Phu French forced to surrender - May 1954 Countries meet to decide the fate of Vietnam Peace agreement Geneva Accords Temporarily divide Vietnam 17 th parallel Ho Chi Minh controlled the north = Capital Hanoi Diem controlled the south = Capital Saigon Elections to be held 1956
U.S. Steps In US aides South Vietnam Ho Chi Minh winning support from the North Land redistributing to Peasants National Hero Diem refused to take part in elections Not holding up his part of bargain Corrupt government Suppressed opposition Angered Buddhists = restricted practices
Cont Vietcong Communist opposition group in the South Attack Diem’s government Assassinating thousands Supported by Ho Chi Minh Suppling arms Ho Chi Minh Trail
Kennedy Kennedy increases aide Troops sent to train the South 1963 = 16,000 Diem’s popularity plummets Corruption Moved villagers Attacks intensified on Buddhism Killed 100+ Destroyed temples Monks burn themselves in protest November 1, 1963 U.S. supported military coup Diem assassinated
Johnson Kennedy was going to withdraw Johnson escalates U.S. role in the war Diem’s death brings more chaos Unstable Vietcong’s influence grows in the South
Tonkin Gulf Resolution August 2, 1964 American destroyer fired upon by North Vietnamese USS Maddox Returned fire 2 days later reported more enemy torpedoes U.S. destroyers began firing Johnson retaliates Launching bombing strikes on North Vietnam Tonkin Gulf Resolution Gave Johnson broad military powers in Vietnam Blank Check Operation Rolling Thunder 1965 = 50,000