Safety Division OSH UPDATE Safety Division Managers Meeting 3-4 August 2011 Herman Harke OSH Branch, CMC Safety Division
Safety Division Topics Defense Safety Enterprise System (DSES) DODI and SOHMS Update Annual OSH Report CSA Update 2
Safety Division DSES DSES is still a work in progress Two sides of DSES (REPORTS and UNITS) −REPORTS is old UICs “N” based off DFAS payroll info −UNITS is in transition to “M and MS” (Not sure now) −UNITS will require realigning the organizational hierarchies after the USMC installations re-align under the Installations Command (On hold) −MARFORS will have to request new UICs from TFSD for any organizations below installation level (MCCS, Fire Departments etc) (On hold) 3
Safety Division DSES (Cont) Some installations have never worked with DSES Final UIC list transferred over to WESS and eliminate RUCs from WESS 4
Safety Division 5
DODI and SOHMS DODI straw man for rewrite to add SOHMS program assessments is out –Applicable to both “installations and operational” units –3 year assessments which “consider the impact of accident prevention efforts as determined from an analysis of data generated under reference “K” and the accomplishment of DoD Component goals and objectives.” Note: Reference K is DoDI “Accident Investigation, Reporting and Record Keeping” 6
Safety Division POTUS POWER INITIATIVE Protecting Our Workers and Ensuring Reemployment (POWER) Initiative (FY ). Under the POWER Initiative, each federal executive department and agency will be expected to improve its performance in seven areas: Reduce total injury and illness case rates Reduce lost time injury and illness case rates Analyze lost time injury and illness data Increase the timely filing of workers' compensation claims Increase the timely filing of wage-loss claims Reduce lost production day rates Speed employees' return to work in cases of serious injury or illness. 7
Safety Division SOHMS CYCLE PlanDoCheckAct 8
Safety Division DODI and SOHMS DoDI required annual metrics –Military accidental fatality rate (per 100,000 military members) –Days Away, Restrictions, and Transfers (DART) Incident Rate (military & civilians) –Total Case Incident Rate (TCIR) (military & civilians) –Class A aviation mishap rate (per 100,000 flight hrs) –Severity Rate - military and civilian (lost workdays per 100 workers/military years per year) –Permanent Threshold Shift Rate for hearing loss (# PTS per 100 persons) 9 Tie directly to POTUS POWER
Safety Division DODI and SOHMS –% of organizations fully implementing SOHMS –To be successful at implementing SOHMS, the organization must have met 90% of the SOHMS requirements in an audit within the last 3 years. –The service component determines the participating organizations by considering optimum size for SOHMS implementation, while ensuring the safety and health of all service personnel have been included. –An organization currently recognized by OSHA as a VPP Star site is considered to be fully implementing. –Service will report by IPR in January each year the above evaluation and other selected DoD metrics. 10
Safety Division DODI and SOHMS USMC organizations that should fall under the SOHMS requirements as currently stated in the draft –All installations (stateside and overseas) –All MEFs and Major Subordinate Commands (MSCs) –All separate major commands, school houses (MCSC, MCRC, Engineer School etc) 11
Safety Division DODI and SOHMS What will this require of the USMC? –Written service wide implementation plan submitted to DoD –Training of all Safety professionals (Current and interns) on SOHMS implementation and assessments –Training of all collateral duty (GSM POI update?) –Training of assessment teams (MARFOR/MCI/HQMC) –Operational units T/O (TOECR for a safety billet?) –Improved mishap reporting (WESS is not complete) –Metric and data management tools (ESAMs maybe?) –NSC is considering adding the above metrics to WESS 12
Safety Division DODI and SOHMS What can do you do now? –Implement PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT (PDCA) –All programs and metrics are managed around the PDCA model –PDCA becomes how metrics and data is presented, managed and documented for corrective actions Command Safety Councils for all organizations will be essential Chaired by CG/Cdr/CoS for that organization or command Start integrating SOHMS metrics into the agenda and other briefings All metrics and data is presented with the PDCA model and should result in a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) 13
Safety Division DODI and SOHMS What do you do now? (Cont) –Consider VPP It is a recognized SOHMS VPP CX is paid by DoD to support your VPP SOHMS implementation with in-person, online, telephone support, webinars, PPTs etc Detailed GAP assessment to follow to full implementation Phased implementation system (3 Phases) eVPP tool will support all of the DoD required metrics Gap has multiple examples of all policy/program requirements STAR status will be recognized as “Fully implemented SOHMS” by DoD! 14
Safety Division Annual OSHA Report Drafts will be due in mid-late November again (no surprises here) Final Command signed copy due in January Report this year will include both Appropriated Fund (AF) and Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) employees mishap data, costs and trends Start collecting and managing the cost data metrics for both AF and NAF employees Blank columns are not acceptable 15
Safety Division CSA Update Focus on Plan, Do, Check, Act in your metrics, Safety Councils and Commanders Briefs Ask installation safety managers to participate as part of the CSA team (CMC SD pays TAD) Supervisor training- Has proven repeatedly to be the key element in reducing mishaps. Show us the list of supervisors from Directors down to the first line. Strongly consider mandating the OSHA 10/30 hour for supervisors 16
Safety Division CSA Update (Cont) Items of Special Interest –Mishap Reporting –Hearing Conservation ( per CMC guidance and Naval Audit Service reports) 17
Safety Division CSA Schedule (draft) MCAS Iwakuni- Oct 11 CATC Camp Fuji- Oct 11 MCRC- Nov 11 MCAS Cherry Point- Dec 11 MCB Quantico- Jan 12 MARSOC- Jan 12 MARFORRES- Feb 12 MCB Japan- Apr 12 MCB Butler- Apr 12 18
Safety Division CSA Schedule (draft) MCAS Futenma- Apr 12 MCAS Miramar- May 12 MCAF Quantico- Jun 12 MCLB Barstow- Jun 12 MARFORPAC- Jul 12 MCSF Blount Island- Aug 12 19