“Hands-on STEM” Dr Zara Dennis Mater Christi College Introduction What is the Teacher Tall Poppies Awards Program? The Growing Tall Poppies initiative aims to: Make science dynamic, interdisciplinary, connected and relevant to the pursuit of improving life for individuals, communities and societies. Breakdown stereotypes of scientists. Increase students’ sense of self-efficacy for learning the challenging subjects. Increase students’ sense of identity with science and scientists. As a part of this, the Teacher Tall Poppies award for innovation in science and mathematics teaching. Aim/Motivation What do I hope to gain from this award? To increase participation in VCE Physics through a hands-on (Engineering) approach. Improving practical skills, confident with workshop and laboratory equipment and problem solving abilities. Describe my innovation for my school. Should our school become a GTP Enabled School? An opportunity such as this can be truly transformative, both for individual, and in ways that would benefit the entire College community, not only with new ideas but also the ability to ignite imaginations among students and teachers. A working scientist will provide an invaluable role model, a person with whom students can connect, thus breaking down stereotype of what a scientist is, how the behave and want they do. Humanising the subject will subsequently give students a sense of belonging in their STEM endeavours. Conclusions Science, and in particular Physics is not “scary”. It does not require you to be a mathematical genius, nor does it imply you will spend your days in a lab coat never interacting with the real-word. Far from it! In fact STEM is all around us, and the cusp of the GTP program aims to highlight the true accessibility, through engaging workshops and recognition of inspirational leaders. Acknowledgements Yvonne Sanders – Science Domain Leader at MCC The Growing Tall Poppies Science Partnership Program Reflection about the opportunities that this award can provide for me, my school and my students. Improve student uptake (and retention) in Physics. Improve practical skills. Provide an opportunity, identified as wanted/needed by current Y10 students to partake in workshop type activities, and problem solving projects which model those of professional scientists and researchers. The Australian Synchrotron Briefly describe the workshop. An invaluable opportunity to meet the other Teacher Tall Poppies and to brain storm our initial project ideas. With Eroia also on hand to guide us in refining and focusing our ideas: What is practical? Are the outcomes measurable? Where should we begin? Who do we begin with? Teacher Tall Poppies Award 2015 How will I make my project work. TEACHER To develop a “Hands-on STEM” elective for Y10 students. This idea has been born from discussions with current year 10 students who have expressed a desire to undertake more practical work, with a science and engineering focus to learn workshop and soldering skills. To encompass this within the schools curriculum would not be an immediate implementation, however a few days at the end of term four could perhaps be dedicated to this as an initial trial run. What works, what doesn’t, and the opportunity to gain feedback from students. People at School: Yvonne Sanders, Bernd Kirsch Scientists: Experimental Physics and Engineering IMAGINATION, INSIGHT AND INGENUITY