Police ANPR Systems Surveillance camera Code of Practice An overview Presented by:Bill Mandeville Date:23 rd October 2013
Police ANPR Systems 2 Plate capture Alphanumeric interpretation Matching
Police ANPR Systems 3 Desktop NADC Searching Hotlists Reads
Police ANPR Systems Code Guiding Principles Based on ANPR ‘Golden Rules’ –Developed following IPCC investigation –Informed by ‘multi interest’ working group Key challenges:(No CCTV) –It is a ‘Mass Surveillance Tool’- police ANPR ‘network’ was constructed without any specific parliamentary authority and with a lack of political and public debate –The retention of data for all vehicles ‘captured’ by a camera erodes individual freedoms and is contrary to Human Rights. –‘ “nothing to hide, nothing to fear” shows a ludicrous degree of naivety’ 4
Police ANPR Systems National ANPR Standards for Policing (NASP) Part 1 – Data Standards – provisions for: –Data Security – includes data encryption and system security –Format and data quality –Retention and deletion of data Part 2 – Infrastructure Standards – provisions for: –Infrastructure Development –System performance –Security – includes requirements for system access control and audit –Defines rules for access to data 5
Police ANPR Systems Development and Review of infrastructure 6 National Security and Counter Terrorism Organised and Major CrimeLocal Crime Community Confidence and Reassurance/ Crime Prevention and Reduction National Capability Essential
Police ANPR Systems Development and Review of Infrastructure Published consistent criteria which requires: Identification of ‘pressing need’ taking account of: –A ‘strategic assessment’ of the policing problems –The consequences of those problems –Local views on deployment of ANPR –Wider societal views on deployment of ANPR –The viability of alternative tactical responses that may be less or more intrusive than ANPR –How effective would ANPR be to resolve issues –The scope of Privacy Intrusion An assessment of the Privacy Impact Annual Review of locations 7
Police ANPR Systems Retention and Access to Data Data is owned by Chief Officers as Data Controllers in Common Retained for 2 years – subject to regular review Access Provisions: –‘ Real Time’ – Monitoring Alarms for Operational Response –Up to 90 Days – All investigations types –91 days to 1 year – Counter terrorism, Major Investigations and serious Investigations. –1 year and over – Counter Terrorism and major Investigations 8
Police ANPR Systems Code Guiding Principles – The Challenges Consistency between police forces: –Criteria for infrastructure in place – consistent application required. –Transparency in use: Internet content at force level National internet capability Signage –Review and audit of compliance with legal requirements, policies and standards –Ensuring proportionality and accuracy of reference databases 9
Police ANPR Systems Code Guiding Principles – Current position PrincipleBrief descriptionProvisions/ Compliance in place (nationally) Full compliance by all forces 1Use in support of a legitimate aim 2Use subject to regular review 3Transparency in Use 4Accountability for system activities 5Rules Policies and procedures in place 6Image retention and deletion 7Clear rules in place for data access 8Standards in place with work to maintain them 9Security measures in place 10Review and audit with regular reports 11Use in most effective way to support public safety and law enforcement 12Accuracy and currency of reference databases 10