Relações com Investidores | 1 Investor Relations | 1 Investor Relations 2006 Consolidated Earnings February 15 th, 2007 Unibanco and Unibanco Holdings, S.A.
Relações com Investidores | 2 Investor Relations | 2 Net Income (R$ Million) Stockholders’ Equity (R$ Million) ROAE (%) 576 9, Q06 Performance
Relações com Investidores | 3 Investor Relations | 3 R$ Millions Reduction in goodwill amortization period During 3Q06, Unibanco reduced its goodwill amortization period from 10 to 5 years ,7501,838 Net income without goodwill amortization Net income with goodwill amortization Stockholders’ equity without goodwill amortization Stockholders’ equity with goodwill amortization ROAE without goodwill amortization (%) ROAE with goodwill amortization (%) 2,2101,838 9,9219,324 10,3819, Acceleration of goodwill amortization (460)-
Relações com Investidores | 4 Investor Relations | Performance ROAE (1) ROAA (1) Efficiency Ratio BIS Ratio Earnings per share (R$) (1) (1) Before the extraordinary event of goodwill amortization 49.3%51.5% 16.0%15.6% %2.1% 22.4%21.1% -220 b.p. 40 b.p. 19.7% 20 b.p. 130 b.p
Relações com Investidores | 5 Investor Relations | ,210 3, 2006/ % % 21.1% 16.8% 22.4% ROAE (%)Stockholders’ Equity (R$ Bln) Net Income (1) Operating Income (1) Before the extraordinary event. R$ Millions 2006 Performance
Relações com Investidores | 6 Investor Relations | 6 Highlights 6.6% growth in the Retail portfolio in 4Q06, with Credit Cards up 17.1% and SMEs up 7.0% Loan portfolio quality improvement: 18.8% reduction in provisions for loan losses, 4Q06 versus 4Q05 Better ratio of D-H portfolio over total loans (6.4% vis-à-vis 7.7% in December 2005) Higher E-H portfolio coverage ratio, 115%, compared to 112% in December 2005 Loan Portfolio Results 20.2% net income growth, 2006 versus 2005 20.5% operating income growth, 2006 versus 2005 Improvement in Efficiency Ratio: 49.3% in 2006 from 51.5% in 2005 Units UBBR11 Up 47% in 2006 compared to a 33% growth of Ibovespa. The greatest growth among Brazilian private-owned banks listed on Bovespa in 2006 Ibovespa weighting: 1.923%. A 95% increase since its inclusion (May 2005) Financial Margin Gross Financial Margin grew to 10.2% in 2006, vis-à-vis 10.0% in 2005, despite the 475 b.p. Selic rate decline Net Financial Margin improved to 8.0% in 4Q06, higher than the 7.5% in 4Q05
Relações com Investidores | 7 Investor Relations | 7 Top 3 in BNDES overall ranking with 8.6% market share 30% increase in cash management revenues Lead coordinator of Ambev´s debentures issuance, which was awarded “Local Currency Financing Deal” in 2006, by LatinFinance magazine Investment Banking department made 31 deals, valued at approximately R$18 billion Top 10 Research House, according to Institutional Investor magazine. 1 st place in Natural Resources category, and 3 rd place in Consumer Goods Operational results: 33% of net income in 2006, vis-à-vis 9% in 2005 Leadership in commercial lines, energy, environment, D&O (Directors and Officers) and extended warranty products Combined ratio of 94.5% in 2006, better than 98.3% in 2005 AUM reached R$44 billion Private Bank AUM grew 25% in 2006 Awarded “Top Equity Management” by Valor Econômico newspaper, for the 4 th consecutive year 17% overall client base growth, reaching 23.8 million, with a 13% increase in branch customers New partnerships and alliances: Sonae/Wal-Mart, Ipiranga, Grupo VR (UniVR), and Banco Cruzeiro do Sul Expansion of Hipercard to the South and Southeast, with 145% growth in total points-of- sale 26.7% credit card portfolio growth over the last 12 months Core deposits funding surpassed R$16 billion, +30% in the year 2006 Businesses Highlights Wholesale Retail Insurance and Pension Plans Wealth Management
Relações com Investidores | 8 Investor Relations | 8 R etrospectiva F inancial Information
Relações com Investidores | 9 Investor Relations | 9 Personnel and Administrative Expenses Fees from Services Rendered Income Statement Summary R$ Millions 1,6011, (1,348)(1,527) ,2976,343 3,5823,270 (5,713)(5,092) 3,5212,921 2,2101, Gross Profit from Financial Intermediation Provisions for Loans Losses Net Profit from Financial Intermediation Operating Income Net Income before the extraordinary event 4Q064Q05 (656)(533)(2,422)(1,904) 2,2572,4899,7198,247
Relações com Investidores | 10 Investor Relations | 10 Financial Indicators Gross Profit from Financial Intermediation Total Assets Loan Portfolio Earnings per Unit (R$) 4Q051Q062Q06 91,831 93,770 98,217 Dec-05Mar-06Jun-06 39,875 39,684 2,481 2,257 2,357 4Q051Q062Q06 2,392 3Q06 101,999 Sep-06 41,929 3Q R$ Millions Dec-05Mar-06Jun-06Sep-06 43, Dec-06 45,361 2,489 4Q ,777
Relações com Investidores | 11 Investor Relations | 11 Risk Management Macroeconomic Scenario As anticipated by Unibanco in ,292 3,068 2,910 Dec-04Dec-05Dec-06 R$ Millions Loan Portfolio Consumer Finance Companies R$ Millions Q044Q054Q % 6.7% 7.2% Jun-05Dec-05Jun % Dec % Feb-05 24% 26% 27% 31% % 2006 Credit / GDP Conservative credit approach 41% 10% 22% Jun-05Apr-064Q06 Approval rate – Fininvest Personal Loans Financial System Delinquency ratio (Individuals) Risk Management Provisions for Loan Losses Consumer Finance Companies Credit restriction
Relações com Investidores | 12 Investor Relations | 12 Personal Loans – Mix of Brazilian Financial System 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Dec-01Apr-02Sep-02Feb-03Jul-03Dec-03May-04Oct-04Mar-05Aug-05Jan-06Jun-06Dec-06 Overdraft loans Personal Loans Vehicles Mortgage Loans Durable Goods Financing - Others Credit Cards Others Payroll loans 60% 40%
Relações com Investidores | 13 Investor Relations | 13 Base 100 = Market Cars + Trucks & Buses Loans Dec-05Dec-06 4,029 4, % Motorcycle Loans (run-off) -51.4% Dec-05Dec Business Repositioning Auto Financing Focus: New Cars (Financed Units) Focus: New Trucks & Buses (Financed Units) R$ Millions
Relações com Investidores | 14 Investor Relations | 14 Loan Portfolio (Unicard + Hipercard) Credit Cards Number of cards (In millions) +26.7% 4,001 5,070 Dec-05Dec % 14,435 18,433 R$ Millions Billings (Unicard + Hipercard) Jun-04Dec-04Jun-05Dec-05Jun-06 Total Cards 9 Credit Cards Private Label cards 30.0 Sep-06Dec-06
Relações com Investidores | 15 Investor Relations | 15 Hipercard +67% Dec-05Dec-06 Points of sale +145% Mar-04 Acquisition Dec-04Dec-05Dec % Affiliated Retailers Number of cards (In millions) In thousands
Relações com Investidores | 16 Investor Relations | 16 Loan Portfolio Growth +13.8% Sep-06Dec % 6.6% Dec-05 Wholesale Retail R$ Millions 39,875 45, % 25,940 22,949 19,421 16,926 43,323 24,338 18,985
Relações com Investidores | 17 Investor Relations | 17 Corporate Individuals R$ Millions Dec-05Sep % 15,614 16,383 Dec-06 17, % +15.1% 24, % 26,940 Main Highlights 27, % 1.9% 17.1% 16.1% 14.7% 6.8% Quarter 6.0% 17.6% 26.7% 7.0% 2.3% 20.0% Year Loan Portfolio Growth -20.8%-51.4% Dec-05Sep-06 Dec-06 Branch Network Credit Cards Car Loans Consumer Finance Companies Motorcycle Financing SMEs Large Corporate
Relações com Investidores | 18 Investor Relations | 18 Financial Margin Net Financial Margin Financial Margin 23.3% 29.1% 27.2% 27.9% Provisions for Loan Losses / Financial Margin -770 b.p. 4Q052Q063Q061Q % 4Q % 13.25% Selic Interest Rate % 10.0% 7.7%
Relações com Investidores | 19 Investor Relations | 19 Asset Quality D-H Portfolio/ Loan Portfolio Dec-05Sep-06Dec %6.7%7.7% 115% 114% 112% Dec-05Sep-06Dec-06 Coverage E-H Portfolio Coverage D-H Portfolio 92% 87% 67% Dec-05Sep-06Dec-06
Relações com Investidores | 20 Investor Relations | Dec-05Jun-06Dec % R$ Millions Additional Allowance for Loan Losses
Relações com Investidores | 21 Investor Relations | 21 Dec-06Sep-06Dec % 9.8% 9.4% 4.6% 6.6% 7.9% 3.4% 5.8% 15.3% 9.4% 9.6% 4.2% 6.6% 8.1% 3.2% 5.9% 10.1% 6.1% 9.2% 3.6% 4.7% 6.1% 3.9% 5.2% Loan Portfolio Coverage Consumer Finance Companies Credit Cards Retail Bank - Individuals Auto Financing SMEs Retail Wholesale Unibanco Consolidated Allowance for Loan Losses / Loan Portfolio
Relações com Investidores | 22 Investor Relations | 22 3,9634,4693,778 6,7575,5585,629 5,4524,6483,044 16,17214,67512,451 29,63129,13025,946 89,58386,28075,793 45,80343,80538,397 43,78042,47537,396 Dec-06Sep-06Dec-05 40%45%35% Deposits and Assets under Management Demand Deposits Savings Deposits Core Deposits CDs Core Deposits Time Deposits + Debentures Assets Under Management (B) Total Deposits + Debentures + AUM (A+B) Total Deposits + Debentures (A) Core Deposits / Total Deposits R$ Millions
Relações com Investidores | 23 Investor Relations | 23 Core Deposits R$ Millions 10,811 12,451 Dec-04Dec-05 16,172 Dec-06 (1) Source: Brazilian Central Bank, preliminary data. 29.9% 14.3% Brazilian Financial System (1) Dec 06 vs Dec 05 Dec 06 vs Dec % 23.9% +49.6% Core Deposits Growth Core Deposits Comparison
Relações com Investidores | 24 Investor Relations | 24 4Q064Q Fee Income R$ Millions ,1151,892 1,1371, Total3,5823,270 Banking fees, commissions and other fees Credit Cards Assets under management
Relações com Investidores | 25 Investor Relations | ,190 3,450 1,911 3,181 Personnel and Administrative Expenses Personnel Expenses Other Administrative Expenses (1) Does not include the impact of the accouting reclassification at Redecard´s operations (R$36 million in 4Q06 and R$73 million in 2006). 4Q064Q05 R$ Millions ,4911,3485,6405,092 Total (1)
Relações com Investidores | 26 Investor Relations | 26 Revenues R$ Millions Efficiency Ratio Evolution Efficiency RatioExpenses Efficiency Ratio 9,878 5,092 11,593 5, % 49.3% 8,310 5, %
Relações com Investidores | 27 Investor Relations | 27 Insurance and Pension Plans Technical Reserves R$ Millions Premiums Earned Pension Plans Insurance 1,713 2, % 5,376 6,345 1,470 1,953 6,846 8, % Combined Ratio 98.3% % 2006 Loss Ratio 48.8% % 2005
Relações com Investidores | 28 Investor Relations | 28 Weighting (%) Jan to Apr-07 Ibovespa1.923 IBrX IBrX IGC Corporate Governance Index3.967 ISE Sustainability Index*5.884 Index * Valid from December 2006 to November Units and GDSs Unibanco Units gained 47% in 2006 Unit continues to increase its weighting within the Ibovespa. Since its inclusion in the Ibovespa in May 2005, its participation increased more than 95% Units (UBBR11) versus Ibovespa GDSs (UBB) versus Dow Jones Units Weighting in Brazilian Stock Indices Dec-05Mar-06Jun-06Sep-06Dec-06 UBBR11: 47% IBOV: 33% Dec-05Mar-06Jun-06Sep-06Dec-06 UBB: 46% Dow: 16%
Relações com Investidores | 29 Investor Relations | 29 Human Resources Great Place to Work Unibanco is one of the 100 best companies to work for in Brazil, according to the “Great Place to Work” consulting group The company selection methodology is recognized all over the world and has been used in over 60 countries In 2006, the employee motivation index hit a record of 79% Employee Motivation Index 70% 74% 76% 77% 79%
Relações com Investidores | 30 Investor Relations | Outlook (E) GDP Growth Exchange Rate R$/US$ (year end) SELIC Interest Rate (year end) IPCA (Consumer Price Index) Trade Balance (US$) 2.7%(E)3.5% %11.75% 4.00%3.14% 39.0 bln46.1 bln
Relações com Investidores | 31 Investor Relations | 31 Investor Relations phone: fax: site: This presentation contains forward-looking statements regarding Unibanco, its subsidiaries and affiliates - anticipated synergies, growth plans, projected results and future strategies. Although these forward-looking statements reflect management’s good faith beliefs, they involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause the Company’s actual results or outcomes to be materially different from those anticipated and discussed herein. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to our ability to realize the amount of the projected synergies and the timetable projected, as well as economic, competitive, governmental and technological factors affecting Unibanco’s operations, Junkets, products and prices, and other factors detailed in Unibanco’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission which readers are urged to read carefully in assessing the forward-looking statements contained herein. Unibanco undertakes in duty to update any of the projections contained herein.