State of America’s Cities: Sustainability Presentation for1000 Friends of Florida and The Future is Now Foundation Webinar Series September 22, 2011
National League of Cities: Center for Research and Innovation, Sustainability Program:
Sustainability Survey First NLC survey on sustainability Summer and fall of s to 1708 mayors Responses from 442 cities (26%)
Objectives of Survey Internal Approach to Sustainability: How are cities Defining, Prioritizing, Organizing ? What are the key motivators and barriers or challenges to sustainability? What actions, programs, or policies are cities pursuing to achieve sustainability goals?
Defining What components are within your city’s definition of or approach to sustainability?
Prioritizing City Position (percent) Leading priority throughout13% all city activities Important factor in developing44% long-term goals One of many goals35% but not a separate priority Not addressed but interested 5% Not addressed and not a priority 3% What is your city’s position on sustainability?
Prioritizing City Position (percent) Leading priority throughout13% all city activities Important factor in developing44% long-term goals One of many goals35% but not a separate priority Not addressed but interested 5% Not addressed and not a priority 3% What is your city’s position on sustainability?
Financing What impact has the economic recession had on your city’s willingness to financially invest in sustainability work?
Financing Potential for financial savings 60% Funding received through ARRA 55% Concern for the environment 40% Potential to attract investment 28% Concern for climate change 20% Internal pressure (leaders, staff) 17% External pressure from public 16% Of those who reported an increase or no impact to investment, what were the motivating factors?
Motivating Factors Concern for the environment89% Potential for long-term financial savings88% Potential for short-term financial savings83% Potential to attract outside investment74% Concern for climate change59% Potential to attract new residents57% Internal pressure (leaders, staff)55% External pressure from public57% How significant have the following factors been to prompting your city’s work in sustainability? Sum of factors rated “significant”, “very significant”, or “extremely significant”
Barriers/ Challenges Lack of funding86% Lack of staff capacity77% Lack of support from private sector40% How significant have the following factors been in deterring your city’s work in sustainability? Sum of factors rated “significant”, “very significant”, or “extremely significant”
Barriers/ Challenges Areas reported as having limited to no significance: Opposition from community based groups/organizations 92% Lack of support from nonprofit sector 76% Lack of leadership or support from elected officials 71% Lack of community awareness or support 67% Lack of information to get started 65% How significant have the following factors been in deterring your city’s work in sustainability?
Energy Availability of programs/policies to promote energy efficiency and conservation : Municipal: Energy conservation strategy (buildings)81% Street/traffic lights 79% Purchase/produce renewable energy 42% Residential: Education/Awareness 56% Energy audits 30% Financing incentives 30% Green Building Codes 25% Commercial: Green Building Codes 25% Financing incentives 18%
Land Use Availability of specific land use policies/ programs:
Water Availability of programs/policies to promote energy efficiency and conservation : Public education campaigns 76% Land-use and building requirements to minimize runoff 67% Volume-based pricing of water 60% Sewer separation 59% Green infrastructure policies, programs, or incentives 43% Water reclamation and/or gray water re-use programs 31% Residential rebates and incentives 29% Combined sewer overflows 22% Seasonal water rates 15%
Food Availability of specific food-related policies/ programs:
Opportunities Incorporate sustainability goals/ principles throughout internal operations and across city departments Build and strengthen partnerships; for example - private sector, universities, utilities, regional bodies, community groups, non-profits, local businesses Benchmark and measure progress – report out! Green Building Codes (25%) Pay as you throw (17%) Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) policies (32%) Green Infrastructure (43%) Complete Streets policies (32%) Food: Farm to School (7%); Food Policy Councils (6%); Healthy corner stores (8%)
Tammy Zborel Senior Associate, Sustainability Program Center for Research and Innovation National League of Cities Learn more: Register today for NLCs Green Cities Conference Phoenix, Ariz. November (advanced rates end September 30 th !) Thank You!