1 Among the world’s 50 safest banks in 2009 (Global Finance) I Official bank of the 2010 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix National Bank of Abu Dhabi The ISO 26000: A New International Standard for Social Responsibility Abu Dhabi Sustainability Group Forum Quarterly Meeting 14 th December 2010 Praveen A Motdhare Business Excellence Department
2 Among the world’s 50 safest banks in 2009 (Global Finance) I Official bank of the 2010 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Objective National Bank of Abu Dhabi was invited to participate in the Beta test of the ISO standard as one of four banks globally to test the standard for the banking and financial sector To be able to evaluate the usefulness of the text developed for different industries and organisations in different geographical, cultural or religious backgrounds To measure its practical implementation by a bank, the relevance to the banking sector and any strengths and weaknesses
3 Among the world’s 50 safest banks in 2009 (Global Finance) I Official bank of the 2010 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Approach A cross functional working group having representative from all the major departments was formed The working group was divided into sub-groups who were assigned the responsibility to review one of the 7 core elements of the standard depending on the sub group’s competency The sub groups on review provided their comments and feedback to the working group in the specific template The sub group’s leader / member made presentation of their review to working group members The comments / view points of working group members were considered before finalising the report
4 Among the world’s 50 safest banks in 2009 (Global Finance) I Official bank of the 2010 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Approach – Process Flow Beta Test – Macro Road Map at NBAD NBAD received invitation from the Chair of the ISO Working Group on Social Responsibility to participate in Beta test Project Leader(s) Identified NBAD formed working group (peer group) drawn from the staff of different departments/stake holders Project Kick-off with 2 Day training and meeting of the 15 Core group members. 5 Teams formed Output of meeting: Action Plan for Review of Core Elements and Presentation Each core group studied the requirement and submitted the observation in the template provided. Presentation by the group leader / team member on the observation made on the core element. Q & A session with other members of Core group Agreement and Finalisation of observations and submission of report to management and the ISO chair /technical committee Start End
5 Among the world’s 50 safest banks in 2009 (Global Finance) I Official bank of the 2010 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Why this was the best approach? The cross functional working group was representative of all the stake holders across the Bank The working group was comprised of 7 Nationalities which provided a broader view point on the core elements English was not predominant mother tongue of the working group members. It laid a platform for implementation of the CSR standard in NBAD in near future
6 Among the world’s 50 safest banks in 2009 (Global Finance) I Official bank of the 2010 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix What was learnt? The standard is straight forward, easy to understand and implementable The language and terminology was easy to understand by all the working group members, even when English is not the mother-tongue We found ISO easier to understand than some of the other ISO standards, the wording of which can sometimes be ambiguous Some of the clauses are challenging in terms of potential implementation, due to the local environment and situation, the standard itself is clear Standard has good depth and we did not find the standard too long The standard provides a good guidelines for organisations which are planning implementation of CSR
7 Among the world’s 50 safest banks in 2009 (Global Finance) I Official bank of the 2010 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Opportunities NBAD joined the National working group driven by ESMA (Emirates Metrological and Standards Authority) We took this opportunity to introspect on our approach on CSR with the result presented to the strategy committee of the Bank with recommendation. The management has agreed to support the implementation It resulted in CSR being embedded within the bank’s strategy and to reposition our long term objectives
8 Among the world’s 50 safest banks in 2009 (Global Finance) I Official bank of the 2010 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix The Next Step? Conduct Gap Analysis vis a vis the 7 core elements of the ISO standard, our 2009 sustainability report and forth coming 2010 report Submit the report on gaps and possible action required to the Top Management Aligning / formulating the policies and processes inline with ISO requirements Integrating the ISO policies and requirements with the existing management system ( ISO 9001) to drive implementation and maintenance.
9 Among the world’s 50 safest banks in 2009 (Global Finance) I Official bank of the 2010 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Certification Vs verification CertificationVerification The Certification Program is for organizations that wish to demonstrate and receive recognition for the conformance of their business practices and technologies to certain established standards (eg ISO 9001, ISO 14001) Verification Program is the parallel program providing the means to demonstrate conformance to certain guidelines in the areas applicable Certification guarantees through a certificate that specific rules and regulations of voluntary standards are met in a certain environment. The audit has to be conducted by an appointed third party auditor Verification processes may be conducted by local third-party actors such as NGOs - or even second-party actors. They may be asked to verify adherence to specific criteria. A verification certificate may be issued There is a rigid surveillance schedule and is costly The schedule between re-verification is not as rigid as a certification process and is less expensive
10 Among the world’s 50 safest banks in 2009 (Global Finance) I Official bank of the 2010 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Questions and Answers
11 Among the world’s 50 safest banks in 2009 (Global Finance) I Official bank of the 2010 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Thank You