Developing a Model of the Solar System THE HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY
About 1600 B.C. Recorded position of planets Times of eclipses Early Chinese, Central American, and North European cultures show evidence of studying astronomy BABYLONIANS
Thales Used Babylonian data to predict eclipses Eratosthenes Measured the circumference of the Earth Hipparchus Produced first star catalog and recorded the names of constellations ANCIENT GREEKS
Heraclides 330 B.C. Developed the first solar system model with the Earth at the center Aristarchus 270 B.C. Developed a heliocentric model of the solar system GEOCENTRIC VERSUS HELIOCENTRIC
200 A.D. Librarian of Alexandria Believed Heraclides’ geocentric model of the solar system to be correct His model seemed to adequately explain the motion of the planets, but it was complicated. PTOLEMY
1500’s Believed in the heliocentric model of the solar system The Heliocentric model was not popular with the church COPERNICUS
1580’S Built the Danish Observatory Measured positions of planets and stars Showed that the sun was much farther from the Earth than the moon is TYCHO BRAHE
1600’s Brahe’s student Used Brahe’s data to formulate Laws of Planetary Motion Used elliptical orbits instead of circular orbits KEPLER
1620’s Developed laws of motion Natural versus forced Rest versus uniform motion Used a telescope to discover Spots on the sun Mountains and “seas” on the moon Multiple stars in the Milky Way Phases of Venus Jupiter’s moons GALILEO
1680’s Developed the law of universal gravitation Developed the first reflecting telescope NEWTON