Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Incumbents Playing Defense The Goal Line Stand Dynamics Working Against the GOP
Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Incumbents Playing Defense The Goal Line Stand Dynamics Working Against the GOP New-look Electorates
Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Incumbents Playing Defense The Goal Line Stand Dynamics Working Against the GOP New-look Electorates Race in Congressional Elections
Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Incumbents Playing Defense The Goal Line Stand Dynamics Working Against the GOP New-look Electorates Race in Congressional Elections The Mothers Milk of Politics
Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Incumbents Playing Defense The Goal Line Stand Defensive Strategies at the Goal Line
Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Incumbents Playing Defense The Goal Line Stand Defensive Strategies at the Goal Line Moving to the Middle
Table 1. Comparison of GOP Interest Group Ratings and CQ Vote Studies, 2007 and 2008
Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Incumbents Playing Defense The Goal Line Stand Defensive Strategies at the Goal Line Moving to the Middle Focusing on the Folks at Home
Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Incumbents Playing Defense The Goal Line Stand Defensive Strategies at the Goal Line Moving to the Middle Focusing on the Folks at Home A National-Level Appeal
Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Incumbents Playing Defense The Goal Line Stand Defensive Strategies at the Goal Line Moving to the Middle Focusing on the Folks at Home A National-Level Appeal Calling the Right Defensive Strategy
Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Incumbents Playing Defense The Goal Line Stand Defensive Strategies at the Goal Line Moving to the Middle Focusing on the Folks at Home A National-Level Appeal Calling the Right Defensive Strategy Looking Ahead
Figure 1. Midterm gains and losses by the Presidents party, 1934–2006