Resource Pack NEBOSH International General Certificate Ian Harries CMIOSH © 2013 Ian Harries. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any storage retrieval system without permission in writing from the publishers.
NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health IGC1.2 Health and Safety Management Systems 1: Policy Chapter 2
Unit contents Learning outcomes NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Unit contents Learning outcomes The key elements of a health and safety management system (c) Providence Training Limited
NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Learning outcomes Outline the key elements of a health and safety management system Explain the purpose and importance of setting policy for health and safety Describe the key features and appropriate content of an effective health and safety policy. (c) Providence Training Limited
Key elements of a health and safety management system NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key elements of a health and safety management system (c) Providence Training Limited
NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key elements Group discussion ILO-OSH 2001 OHSAS 18001 Key elements of all H&S management systems Auditing & Improvement HSG 65 All recognized occupational health and safety management systems follow the same basic and common elements: A planning phase A performance phase A performance assessment phase A performance improvement phase (c) Providence Training Limited
Key elements Setting policy Communication Active monitoring Review NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key elements Group discussion ILO-OSH 2001 OHSAS 18001 Key elements of all H&S management systems Auditing & Improvement HSG 65 Planning phase Performance phase Assessment phase Improvement phase Setting policy Communication Active monitoring Review Organizing Employee participation Reactive monitoring Continual improvement Identification & assessment Acceptance monitoring Procedures (c) Providence Training Limited
Key elements Common basis for HSG 65, OHSAS 18001 and ILO-OSH 2001 Do: NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key elements Key elements of all H&S management systems HSG 65 OHSAS 18001 ILO-OSH 2001 Auditing & Improvement Group discussion Common basis for HSG 65, OHSAS 18001 and ILO-OSH 2001 Do: Implement plans to achieve objectives and standards Plan: Establish standards for health and safety management based on risk assessment and legal requirements Act Review against objectives and standards and take appropriate action Check: Measure progress with plans and compliance with standards Plan Act Do Check (c) Providence Training Limited
NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key elements Key elements of all H&S management systems HSG 65 OHSAS 18001 ILO-OSH 2001 Auditing & Improvement Group discussion HSG 65 is published in the UK by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) as a guide to successful health and safety management. The guide is more concerned with continual improvement than the attainment of minimum health and safety standards. This framework is used by HSE Inspectors when auditing the health and safety management arrangements of employers. (c) Providence Training Limited
NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key elements Key elements of all H&S management systems HSG 65 OHSAS 18001 ILO-OSH 2001 Auditing & Improvement Group discussion POLICY Review Review of performance – actual vs. planned taking into account relevant experiences and applying lessons learnt Audit: Planned assessment of arrangements to ensure they are effective, suitable and meet any legal requirements as well as in-house standards Plan and Implement: Establish, operate and maintain good systems to deliver the policy’s aims and objectives effectively Measure: Measure performance against agreed standards to reveal where improvement is needed also praise instances of good working practice, compliance with procedures, etc. Organize: Put in a structure and arrangements to deliver the policy effectively Policy: Set a clear direction, aims and objectives for the organization to follow ORGANIZE PLAN & IMPLEMENT MEASURE PERFORMANCE REVIEW (c) Providence Training Limited
NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key elements Key elements of all H&S management systems HSG 65 OHSAS 18001 ILO-OSH 2001 Auditing & Improvement Group discussion OHSAS 18001 is an internationally recognized accredited standard for occupational health and safety management. The standard is similar in structure to ILO-OSH 2001, with the main exception that it is only awarded to organizations following a successful audit by an awarding institution. (c) Providence Training Limited
Key elements POLICY PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION & OPERATION NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key elements Key elements of all H&S management systems HSG 65 OHSAS 18001 ILO-OSH 2001 Auditing & Improvement Group discussion POLICY Appropriate to the nature and scale of organizational risks Commitment to the prevention of injury and continual improvement Commitment to at least comply with legal requirements Provides a framework for setting and reviewing occupational standards Communicated Is reviewed periodically On-going hazard identification, risk assessment and establishment of necessary control measures. Results of risk assessments considered when determining risk control measures. Results documented and kept up-to-date. Establish, implement and maintain a procedure for identifying and accessing legal and other OH&S requirements. Establish, implement and maintain OH&S objectives which must be measureable. Provide adequate resources Define roles, responsibilities and accountabilities. Appoint a senior manager with specific OH&S responsibilities. Competent persons in place. Effective internal communication structures. Procedures for employee consultation. Appropriate level of documentation. Appropriate operational controls – purchasing, emergencies, etc. Procedures to monitor and measure OH&S performance. Procedures for evaluating legal etc. compliance. Procedures to record, investigate and analyse accidents. Procedures for dealing with actual or potential non-conformity including taking corrective action. Records demonstrating compliance with the management system & 18001. Internal audit programme. Results of internal audits and evaluations of compliance Results of consultation Communications from external parties (including complaints) OH&S performance How well objectives have been met Status of investigations and corrective actions Follow up from previous reviews Recommendations for improvement PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION & OPERATION CHECKING & CORRECTIVE ACTION MANAGEMENT REVIEW (c) Providence Training Limited
NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key elements Key elements of all H&S management systems HSG 65 OHSAS 18001 ILO-OSH 2001 Auditing & Improvement Group discussion ILO-OSH 2001 is a guideline offering a recommended occupational health and safety management framework. There are main common elements with the UK’s HSG 65 and OHSAS 18001; the framework is not legally binding on ILO member states and does not seek to replace national laws, regulations or standards. To be successful the ILO recognizes that there must be a national policy on health and safety and occupational health and safety management systems in place. (c) Providence Training Limited
Key elements POLICY POLICY ORGANIZING PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key elements Key elements of all H&S management systems HSG 65 OHSAS 18001 ILO-OSH 2001 Auditing & Improvement Group discussion Arrangements introduced and maintained for any preventative and/or corrective actions in relation to performance monitoring, audits and management reviews. Arrangements in place for continued improvement of the management system. Development of a plan following an initial review of any existing health and safety system. Plan to remedy any deficiencies. Support compliance with national legislation and require continual improvement. Contain measureable and realistic objectives. Hazard identification and risk assessment. Establish, implement and monitor procedures. POLICY POLICY Performed by competent and trained personnel at agreed intervals. Cover: Elements of the management system. Employee participation and consultation. National legislation compliance. Meeting objectives. Setting of responsibilities, accountability, competence, training and communication. Effective supervision to ensure protection of workers Establishment of prevention and health promotion programmes. Worker access to records, monitoring documents, etc. Health and safety training available to all employees. Emphasis on the health and welfare of workers. Recommendations concerning investigation of work- related accidents, injuries, ill-health, disease and incidents. More emphasis on employee participation Employees and safety representatives to have sufficient time and resources to allow effective participation. Formation of a health and safety committee. Occupational health and safety should be compatible or integrated with the organization’s other management systems ORGANIZING PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION ACTION FOR IMPROVEMENT (c) Providence Training Limited
NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key elements ILO-OSH 2001 OHSAS 18001 HSG 65 Group discussion Key elements of all H&S management systems Auditing and Improvement Auditing should establish how effective the following three components of the health and safety management are in reality: 1 Management organization and arrangements 2 Identification and implementation of risk control measures 3 Workplace precautions and control measures. (c) Providence Training Limited
NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key elements Key elements of all H&S management systems HSG 65 OHSAS 18001 ILO-OSH 2001 Auditing and Improvement Group discussion To be effective improvement does not need to be expensive or complex but can benefit organization: By decreasing the rate of injuries, ill health and damage By a possible reduction in the resources required to maintain the system By accepting high standards and improvement in the health and safety culture With overall improvements in the management system itself. (c) Providence Training Limited
NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key elements Key elements of all H&S management systems HSG 65 OHSAS 18001 ILO-OSH 2001 Auditing & Improvement Group discussion 1 What are the main elements of an occupational health and safety management system? (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content of a health and safety policy
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent Key features and content ILO-OSH 2001 identifies that the employer, in consultation with the workforce and their representatives, should set out in writing a health and safety policy: Specific to the organization and appropriate to its size and activities Concise, clearly written, dated and made effective by the signature of the most senior accountable person Communicated and readily accessible to all persons at their place of work Reviewed for continuing suitability Made available to relevant external interested parties. (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent The ILO further recommends: Protecting the safety and health of all members of the organization by preventing work-related injuries, ill health, disease and incidents Complying with relevant occupational health and safety national laws and regulations, voluntary programmes, etc. Ensuring that workers and their representatives are consulted and encouraged to participate actively in all areas of occupational health and safety management Continual improvement in the performance. (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent The statement of intent should set out in clear and simple language the commitment of the organization to meeting its obligations for managing the health and safety risks arising from its normal operations. This should include: A commitment to the effective management of health and safety risks arising from the normal operations of the organization (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent The aims and objectives should be set and agreed by the health and safety committee, following consultation with safety representatives It should be signed by the most senior accountable person to signal senior management commitment to effectively managing health and safety. (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent What Who How Statement of intent Organization Arrangements What the organization is aiming to achieve in relation managing health and safety Who has general and specific roles & functions in relation to managing health and safety The measures in place to manage general and specific aspects of the organization’s health and safety (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent The policy should include the following: The name or job title of the senior accountable person in the organization who is responsible for health and safety The name of the Health and Safety Adviser, any safety representatives and others who have specific roles and responsibilities for health and safety (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent The commitment to employee consultation e.g. using a safety committee, recognition of safety representatives Identify the relevant health and safety, welfare and environmental issues relating to the organization's activities A commitment to risk assessment, emergency procedures, health surveillance and employment of competent persons Duties towards non-employees, e.g. contractors, visitors, members of the public (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent Reference to specific policies of the organization e.g. smoking, violence to staff etc. Duties of employees Specific performance targets for the immediate and long-term future The aims and objectives should be set and agreed by the health and safety committee, following consultation with safety representatives. (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent Common health and safety performance targets: A specific reduction in the number of accidents, incidents and cases of work-related illness A reduction in the level of sickness absence A specific increase in the number of minor accidents and near miss incidents A reduction in the number of civil claims No enforcement notices from the relevant ‘Enforcement Agency’ A specific improvement in health and safety audit scores Achievement of a nationally recognised health and safety management system (e.g. OHSAS 18001). (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent The setting of health and safety performance standards is an important aspect of the statement of intent, because: They indicate that there is management commitment to improve health and safety performance They motivate the workforce with goals They provide evidence during the monitoring, review and auditing of phases of a safety management system. (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent The organization section of the policy should define the names and duties of the people within the organization who are responsible for the development and communication to the workplace of the health and safety policy. Two key personnel to be identified are: the most senior accountable person for managing occupational health and safety and the Health & Safety Competent Person. (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent Managers (e.g. directors, departmental managers, supervisors etc.) with delegated health & safety responsibilities Competent persons (e.g. occupational nurse, first aiders, fire marshals, in-house inspection/testing personnel, etc.) Safety representatives. (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent This section of the policy will outline the arrangements in place within the organization for meeting any specific hazards, legal requirements, etc. This will include health and safety rules and procedures and the provision of facilities, such as a first aid room and wash rooms. (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent For evaluating and managing risks arising from workplaces, hazardous substances, activities, fire, etc. Health and safety inspection and audit procedures Accident and illness reporting and investigation procedure, emergency procedures, first aid Employee health and safety responsibilities Control of hazardous substances, manual handling, noise, vibration, etc. (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent Electricity and electrical equipment (maintenance and testing) Machinery safety (including safe systems of work), lifting and pressure equipment permits to work procedures Procedures for contractors and visitors Catering and food hygiene procedures Terms of reference and constitution of the safety committee (where appropriate). (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent Specific arrangements Accident investigation and reporting Health and safety training and information Health and safety monitoring and audit Health surveillance Monitoring of plant and equipment and its maintenance Liaison with external agencies. (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent The best control systems will deteriorate over time, or become obsolete as a result of change, new processes, etc. Therefore it makes sense to periodically review the policy to ensure it remains effective, measure the aims and objectives and update the organizational and arrangement sections as necessary. When and why should an organization review its health and safety policy? (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent Annually as part of a formal review cycle, and following: A change in the health and safety responsible person and/or health and safety competent person Changes in management affecting delegated responsibilities Changes in workplace arrangements, facilities, or the introduction of new processes Introduction of new legislation introducing new duties or responsibilities A prosecution or issuing of an enforcement notice. (c) Providence Training Limited
Key features and content NGC1 Management of Health & Safety NGC1.1 Foundations in Health and Safety Key features and content Review ILO recommendations Group discussion Organization Arrangements Statement of intent 1 a What is the general content of the three sections of a health and safety policy? b Why should the most senior person in an organization sign the health and safety policy? 2 What should be covered in the arrangements section of a health and safety policy? 3 Under what circumstances should a health and safety policy be reviewed? (c) Providence Training Limited