Green Building Standards & Initiatives John Koeller, P.E. Koeller and Company Technical Advisor for the U.S.-Canadian Alliance for Water Efficiency
Water Efficiency Initiatives Program Initiatives - U.S. & Canada U.S. EPA WaterSense SM Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) “Green building” programs (LEED, ASHRAE, NAHB, Build-it-Green, California Friendly, others)
Alliance for Water Efficiency Centralized focus on water efficiency for U.S. and Canada Research and testing Advocate for water efficiency “Green Building” support Codes & standards technical support Clearinghouse & network of water efficiency information and expertise Training and workshops Consumer education
“Green Building”… Numerous national green building programs… USGBC LEED Program Green Globes-Green Building Initiative draft standard (comm’l & residential above 3 stories) ASHRAE draft Standard for High Performance Bldgs (comm’l & residential above 3 stories) ASHRAE Standard 191 for Water Efficiency (yet to begin) NAHB draft National Green Building Standard (for homes) U.S. EPA WaterSense SM for New Homes
“Green Building”… ASHRAE Standard for High-Performance Buildings (a draft) Developed in conjunction with USGBC Proposed as an ANSI National Standard Comment period closed on 2nd public draft - 3rd draft later this year Covers only “high performance” buildings of 4 floors and more, incl residential HETs required; includes all plumbing & appliances Focuses on water reuse Focuses on landscape & landscape irrigation Does not cover single family homes or low-rise MF Competes directly with Green Building Initiative (GBI)
“Green Building”… Green Globes - Green Bldg Initiative (GBI) Std P “Assessment Protocol for Commercial Buildings” (a draft) More aggressive than LEED in water efficiency Proposed as an ANSI National Standard Comment period closed on 1st public draft - 2nd public draft to be released later this year or early 2009 Point-based Covers only buildings of 4 floors and more, incl. residential HETs encouraged; includes all plumbing & appliances Focuses on water reuse Focuses on landscape & landscape irrigation Does not cover single family homes or low-rise MF Competes directly with ASHRAE S189.1
“Green Building”… National Assoc of Home Builders: National Green Building Standard Proposed ANSI nat’l standard for new & remodeled homes (3 stories & less) Point-based Water efficiency a small part (6% to 9%) WaterSense HETs required; other water-using equipment & designs included: urinals, faucets, showers, appliances, structured plumbing, landscape & landscape irrigation, graywater reuse, leak detection-automatic shut-off To provide a basis for home builders to build “green”
“Green Building”… WaterSense SM for New Homes Guidelines for water-efficient new homes (3 stories & less) 1st public draft released for stakeholder comment - comment period closed in Sept Third-party certification may be a part of the program Water efficiency is 100% of the program WaterSense HETs required; other water-using equipment & designs included: appliances, water treatment systems, structured plumbing, landscape & landscape irrigation To provide a common basis for local governments adopting “green building” programs for new homes
Internet Resources click on >“product news” (AWWA) (Water Saver Home) (U.S. EPA) (FSTC-Food Service Technology Center)
Thank you… John Koeller, P.E. Koeller & Company Yorba Linda, California Tel. (714)