 Bellringer: Get your clickers and a Coach book. Complete Lesson 5 in the Coach Book. Read the information and answer the 4 questions. Put your answers.


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Presentation transcript:

 Bellringer: Get your clickers and a Coach book. Complete Lesson 5 in the Coach Book. Read the information and answer the 4 questions. Put your answers in the clicker.  Review Rock Cycle Worksheet (SP#2)  Notes on Igneous Rocks (SP#3) TODAY’S AGENDA…

 What is created when sedimentary rock is under heat and pressure?  What is created when igneous rock is weathered or eroded?  What is created when sedimentary rock is melted?  What is created when metamorphic rock is melted and then cooled? UNDERSTANDING THE ROCK CYCLE

 What is created when igneous rock is under heat and pressure?  What is created when metamorphic rock is weathered and eroded?  What is created when magma cools?  What is created when sediment is compacted and cemented? UNDERSTANDING THE ROCK CYCLE

 Book on page 62  Paper (Study Pack #3) WHAT YOU NEED…


 I can recognize magma and lava as the materials that cool to form igneous rocks.  I can contrast the formation of instrusive and extrusive igneous rock.  I can contrast granitic, basaltic, and andesitic igneous rock. TODAY’S GOALS…

 Layers of the Earth  Crust – outer most layer  Mantle – molten rock (magma)  Outer Core – melted metal  Inner Core – solid metal ball that spins INSIDE THE EARTH

 When hot magma cools and hardens it forms igneous rock  Igneous means “fire” FORMATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS

 Magma comes from deep below Earth’s surface and is pushed upward because it is less dense than surrounding rock  When magma reaches earth’s surface it is called lava FORMATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS

 Split into two groups  Intrusive Igneous Rocks  Extrusive Igneous Rocks  How do they compare? TYPES OF IGNEOUS ROCKS

 Figure 6 on page 63  Rocks that form from magma below the surface  Found only when the layers of rock and soil above them are worn away  Takes a long time for them to cool  Create visible mineral grains  Coarse grained INTRUSIVE ROCKS

 Formed as lava cools on the Earth’s surface  Air and water cause it to cool more quickly  Keeps mineral grains from growing large  Fine grained EXTRUSIVE ROCKS


 Page 64  What is the difference between intrusive and extrusive igneous rock? TYPES OF IGNEOUS ROCKS

 Some rocks cool so quickly they have few or no mineral grains present  Some of the gases can also be trapped in the rocks and form holes VOLCANIC GLASS

 You can also classify these rocks by the magma from which they form  Basaltic  Andesitic  Granitic  What are the differences? CLASSIFYING IGNEOUS ROCKS

 Dense  Dark colored  Made up of iron and magnesium  Black beach in Hawaii BASALTIC

 Light-colored  Lower density than basaltic  Thick and stiff  Lots of silica  Can cause explosive eruptions GRANITIC

 Characteristics between basaltic and granitic ANDESITIC