Welcome to Mr. Conroy’s Science Class
Topic 1 Sedimentary Rocks
Topic 2 Igneous Rocks
Topic 3 Metamorphic Rocks
Topic 4 Rocks 1
Topic 5 Rocks 2
Topic 6 Rocks 3
Jeopardy sedimentaryigneousmetamorphicRocks 1Rocks 2Rocks Final Jeopardy
$100 Question Topic 1 True or False-sedimentary rocks tend to be very hard rocks formed from the cooling of lava.
$100 Answer Topic 1 False
$200 Question Topic 1 What type of sedimentary rock are most fossils found in?
$200 Answer Topic 1 limestone
$300 Question Topic 1 Sedimentary rocks are A.Formed below Earth’s surface as magmaFormed below Earth’s surface as magma B.Formed from pieces of weathered and eroded rocksFormed from pieces of weathered and eroded rocks C.One type of foliated igneous rockOne type of foliated igneous rock D.Formed from intense heat and lots of pressureFormed from intense heat and lots of pressure
$300 Answer Topic 1 B. Formed from pieces of weathered and eroded rocks
$400 Question Topic 1 What are three characteristics of sedimentary rocks?
$400 Answer Topic 1 Tend to be soft rocks. The presence of layers is the most common feature, may contain fossils
$500 Question Topic 1 Explain how we classify sedimentary rocks and give specific examples of each rock type.
$500 Answer Topic 1 We classify sedimentary rocks by their grain size. Conglomerate (large), sandstone (medium), Shale (fine), and limestone (very fine). Organic (containing remains of once living things, chemical (crystallizing), evaporates (water evaporating)
$100 Question Topic 2 Name two examples of igneous rocks.
$100 Answer Topic 2 Granite, scoria, pumice, gabbro, obsidian, basalt, etc
Daily Double
Daily Double Question Geologist classify igneous rock on the basis of its crystal size and the amount of _______ its minerals contain. A.CarbonCarbon B.SilicaSilica C.SedimentSediment D.foliationfoliation
Daily Double Answer B. Silica
$300 Question Topic 2 How are igneous rocks formed?
$300 Answer Topic 2 formed from magma or lava cooling on the earth’s surface or below the earth’s surface
$400 Question Topic 2 What are two ways we classify igneous rocks?
$400 Answer Topic 2 classified by their crystal size (small crystals cooled quickly, large crystals cooled slowly), silica content
$500 Question Topic 2 Explain the difference between igneous intrusive rocks and igneous extrusive rocks. Give a specific example of each type.
$500 Answer Topic 2 intrusive are rocks cooled inside the earth, larger crystals, example granite extrusive rocks are cooled outside the earth, smaller crystals, example obsidian
$100 Question Topic 3 True or False Foliated metamorphic rocks are rocks that have bands or streaks in the rocks, and tend to be hard rocks.
$100 Answer Topic 3 True
$200 Question Topic 3 What type of metamorphic rock does granite turn to when it is heated and pressurized?
$200 Answer Topic 3 gneiss
$300 Question Topic 3 Explain how metamorphic rocks are formed.
$300 Answer Topic 3 rocks changed by heat and/or pressure
$400 Question Topic 3 Explain two characteristics of metamorphic rocks.
$400 Answer Topic 3 often have bands or streaks in the rock, tend to be hard rocks
$500 Question Topic 3 What do the following rocks turn into when heated and pressurized? limestone- shale- sandstone- bituminous coal- granite-
$500 Answer Topic 3 marble, slate, quartzite, anthracite coal, gneiss
$100 Question Topic 4 John finds a rock near the ocean with different minerals, rocks, and fossils embedded into it. It also crumbles easily. What type of rock can you conclude John has found? A.IgneousIgneous B.SedimentarySedimentary C.MetamorphicMetamorphic D.OreOre
$100 Answer Topic 4 B. Sedimentary
$200 Question Topic 4 What kind of rock is produced by deposition and cementation? A.marble, a metamorphic rockmarble, a metamorphic rock B.Sandstone, a sedimentary rockSandstone, a sedimentary rock C.Granite, an intrusive igneous rockGranite, an intrusive igneous rock D.Pumice, an extrusive igneous rockPumice, an extrusive igneous rock
$200 Answer Topic 4 B. Sandstone, a sedimentary rock
$300 Question Topic 4 What kind of rocks are formed by magma that cools slowly?
$300 Answer Topic 4 intrusive igneous
$400 Question Topic 4 Minerals have four characteristics. Which of the four characteristics do rocks have in common with minerals?
$400 Answer Topic 4 formed in nature, solids
$500 Question Topic 4 List the four characteristics of minerals and compare and contrast how rocks and minerals are alike and different.
$500 Answer Topic 4 Minerals form in nature, they are solids, they have a definite chemical composition, and they have a crystalline structure Rocks only have two of the four characteristics- formed in Nature and are solids. Rocks are normally one or more Minerals combined. Minerals are made up from elements.
$100 Question Topic 5 What type of rock has minerals that flatten out or line up in bands and tend to be very hard rocks? A.Foliated metamorphicFoliated metamorphic B.Nonfoliated metamorphicNonfoliated metamorphic C. Extrusive igneous D. Intrusive igneous
$100 Answer Topic 5 A.Foliated metamorphicFoliated metamorphic
$200 Question Topic 5 Which is not a characteristic of a mineral? A.Forms in natureForms in nature B.Can be a solid, liquid, or a gasCan be a solid, liquid, or a gas C.Has a definite chemical compositionHas a definite chemical composition D.Has a crystal structureHas a crystal structure
$200 Answer Topic 5 B. Can be a solid, liquid, or a gas
$300 Question Topic 5 Scoria, rhyolite, pumice, basalt, magnetite, and obsidian are all examples of which rock type/
$300 Answer Topic 5 igneous
$400 Question Topic 5 Name four specific types of sedimentary rock.
$400 Answer Topic 5 sandstone, shale, limestone, conglomerate, gypsum
$500 Question Topic 5 Name four types of metamorphic rocks.
$500 Answer Topic 5 gneiss, slate, greenstone, phyllite, marble, schist, anthracite coal
$100 Question Topic 6 This type of rock forms under heat and pressure.
$100 Answer Topic 6 metamorphic rocks
$200 Question Topic 6 Gniess, slate, and marble are all examples of this rock type.
$200 Answer Topic 6 metamorphic
$300 Question Topic 6 Explain the differences in the formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.
$300 Answer Topic 6 igneous-cooling of magma or lava sedimentary-bits and pieces of sediment laid down on top of one another and fused together metamorphic- rocks changed by heat and pressure
$400 Question Topic 6 How are each rock type classified?
$400 Answer Topic 6 igneous-crystal size and silica content metamorphic-origional rock, foliated or nonfoliated sedimentary-grain size
$500 Question Topic 6 Explain how the rock cycle works.
$500 Answer Topic 6 Rocks are formed from magma deep inside the earth. Over time, weathering and erosion transport rock fragments and accumulate into layers in an ocean. over time, rocks cement together. Sometimes when rocks get heated and pressured, they change into metamorphic rock. When rock gets forced under the earth to be reheated, they form new igneous rock.
Final Jeopardy Topic Rock Cycle
Final Jeopardy Question Draw, label, and explain the rock cycle.
Final Jeopardy Answer melting, cooling heat, pressure weathering, cementation melting, cooling weathering, cementation heat, pressure Igneous metamorphic Sedimentar y
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