Previously, we learned how to convert a decimal to a fraction Previously, we learned how to convert a decimal to a fraction. In this section, we will learn how to convert a fraction to a decimal. Fractions where the denominator is or can be written as a power of 10 If the denominator is power of 10, such as 10, 100, 1000, etc., then its decimal equivalent will have the same number of places as there are zeros. If the denominator is 10, the last digit will be in the tenths place. If the denominator is 100, then the last digit will be in the hundredths. Etc. Example 1: , Your Turn Problem #1 Convert the following fractions to decimals Answer: a) 0.7 b) 0.013
Since that method doesn’t always work, we have the following procedure. To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator. Answer: 0.375 Step 1. Divide denominator into numerator. Your Turn Problem #2 Convert the following fractions to decimals Answer: a) 0.6 b) 0.625
Repeating decimal bars A repeating decimal is a representation of a fraction in which its ending digits repeat indefinitely with a pattern. There bar is placed over the digit or digits that are repeating. etc Step 1. Divide denominator into numerator. Your Turn Problem #3 Convert to a decimal. Use a repeating decimal bar. The End