Monday Table of Contents Left Is it a rock? Pg 8 Right Types of Rocks Notes pg 9 Left Sedimentary/Metamorphic HW pg 10 Right Exit Ticket pg 11.


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Presentation transcript:

Monday Table of Contents Left Is it a rock? Pg 8 Right Types of Rocks Notes pg 9 Left Sedimentary/Metamorphic HW pg 10 Right Exit Ticket pg 11

Catalyst: Read pg Can X-Ray dig a hole all the way to China? Is it possible? Why or why not—use what you know about the layers of the Earth to answer.

Is it a Rock? Copy down the following words and put a check mark next to the objects that you would consider a rock. Write at least 2-3 sentences explaining your reasoning (what defines a rock?)

What is a rock? It is: Naturally formed Solid Mixture of one or more minerals It is not: A pile of sand (b/c the pieces are not packed together) A tree because it is a living thing

Sedimentary Rocks

Inquiry: See how much you already know! Observe the sedimentary rock on your desk. Describe what it looks like. Sedimentary Rock is only one of three types of rocks, what do you think, from the example in front of you, makes a sedimentary rock sedimentary?

See if you were right!: BrainPop ( start at 1:27 seconds) em/typesofrocks/

Sedimentary Rock Sediments such as dust, mud, rock, sand and shells sweep into oceans and rivers and settle to the bottom

Sedimentary Rock Over millions of years these sediments form layers hundreds of meters thick. The layers press on one another, which causes the sediment to form a kinds of rock Sediments

Formation of Sedimentary Rocks It’s a step by step process! STEP 1. Weathering is when rocks are broken into little pieces called sediments STEP 2. Erosion is when sediments move from one place to another STEP 3. Deposition is when sediments settle down somewhere on earth’s surface and stop moving around (think of depositing money in the bank!) STEP 4. Compaction is when sediments are squeezed together STEP 5. Cementation is when sediments start sticking together and make a sedimentary rock

Real Life: The Grand Canyon (Arizona, USA)

Flat Layers

Mix of Particle Size

Fossils Fossils! Since they are formed above the earths surface, sedimentary rocks can sometimes contain fossils. This makes them unique. 4

Examples of Sedimentary Rocks Sandstone- as the name suggests, it is made of grains of sand; often oil is found beneath layers of sandstone Shale-also known as “mudstone”; usually found near slowly moving water Limestone- made of dead organisms and/or their shells; often found in shallow waters Coal- made from the carbon in dead plants; can be burned for energy

Inquiry: See how much you already know! Observe the metamorphic rock on your desk. Describe what it looks like. Metamorphic Rock is only one of three types of rocks, what do you think, from the example in front of you, makes a metamorphic rock metamorphic? How is this rock maybe different from sedimentary?

See if you were right!: BrainPop ( start at :48 seconds) em/typesofrocks/

Metamorphic Metamorphic rocks are made when a rock changes due to heat or pressure

Characteristics of Metamorphic Rocks Layers that are folded or creased Twisted bands Very hard and dense – Because of intense heat and pressure – Often used for construction (ex: marble)

Bending Layers

Squished Grains

Check for Understanding Which of the rocks samples below is probably a metamorphic rock? How do you know? Sample A – it shows the characteristic folded layers and twisted bands

Exit Ticket Directions: Imagine that you are a grain of sand at the bottom of the river. Write an original story about your life that describes the changes that you have undergo as you become sedimentary rock and then metamorphic rock. Your story should be at least 5 sentences. Points will be taken off if your story is not written in complete sentences. you = sedimentary metamorphic How do you become a sedimentary rock and a metamorphic rock?

Wednesday Bell Ringer Left Exit Ticket- Igneous pg 12 Right Versatiles: Types of Rocks pg 13

Catalyst: Read chapter 10 and 11 of Holes Stanley finds a rock with a fish fossil in it, what types of rock are fossils found in?

Igneous Rocks

Inquiry: See how much you already know! Observe the igneous rock on the slide. Describe what it looks like. Igneous Rock is only one of three types of rocks, what do you think, from the example in front of you, makes a igneous rock igneous? How is it different from sedimentary and metamorphic?

See if you were right!: BrainPop em/typesofrocks/

Examples of Metamorphic Igneous Rock: Marble: metamorphic rock that comes from metamorphosed limestone or dolomite Slate: fined grained metamorphic rock. Gneiss: medium to course grained metamorphic rock.

Real Life: Igneous Rock Stone Mountain, GA

Igneous Rocks Igneous rocks forms from the cooling of magma or lava of a Volcano Magma is molten (melted) rock inside the volcano Lava is molten rock outside of the volcano player/environment/environment-natural- disasters/volcanoes/volcanoes-101.html Play from 45 seconds to about 2 minutes

Intrusive Igneous Rock: Forms inside the Earth from magma because it is inside it cools very slowly causing it have large crystal structures and to be coarse and grainy Stone Mountain is an example of Intrusive Igneous!

Extrusive Igneous Rock Forms outside the Earth from lava because it is outside it cools rapidly causing it to glassy, smooth and have small crystal structures or gas bubbles

Examples of Igneous Rock:

Bubbles Quiz: Intrusive or Extrusive?

Glassy Appearance Quiz: Intrusive or Extrusive?

Big Grains Quiz: Intrusive or Extrusive?

Exit Ticket When you left your story about being a grain of sand you were a metamorphic rock. Continue your story by describing your journey to becoming an intrusive igneous rock. Also, write an alternative ending of you were to become an extrusive igneous rock. Each story (2) should be at least 4 sentences. Points will be taken off if your story is not written in complete sentences. you = igneous rock intrusive and extrusive How do you become a intrusive and extrusive igneous rock?

ROCKS Type 1: Metamorphic RockType 2: Sedimentary RockType 3: Igneous Rock Examples: How is this type of rock formed? Finish “Types of Rocks” graphic organizer

Thursday Table of Contents Left Movie Strip GRASP Overview Right Movie Strip GRASP Rubric

Life of a Rock: Storyboard Overview Goal: Demonstrate an understanding of the rock cycle and the formation of rocks from one type to another. Role: Comic Strip Creator for Atlanta Journal Constitution Newspaper Situation: The AJC wants you to design a storybook showing a rock or piece of sediment traveling through rock cycle Product: Rock Cycle Storyboard Standard: Students will be able to classify rocks by their process of formation

Storyboard Rubric CriteriaPoints Title- relates to the element of rock classification____/5 Types of Rocks- The formation of each type of rock (sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic) is pictured and labeled correctly ____/30 Processes of rock formation are pictured and labeled correctly (heat, pressure, deposition, weathering, erosion, cementation, melting, cooling, compaction) ____/45 Creative, Colorful, Neat,____20 TOTAL ____/100

Wednesday Table of Contents Left Rock Classification Gizmo pg 16 Right Classify: Rocks pg 17

Classify: Rocks S=Sedimentary, I=Igneous, M=Metamorphic ___Bended or Twisted Layers ___Flat layers ___Shiny or porous ___Fossils ___Formed by heat and pressure ___Formed by weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction, cementation ___Formed by the cooling of magma or lava

Thursday Table of Contents Left – Rock Cycle Crayon Lab Questions pg 18 Right – Friday Warm-Up pg 19

Rock Cycle Crayon Lab: Assign Jobs Supplies Manager – Gather and return supplies: only one allowed out of group Heating Master – Use tongs to heat crayon Pressure Master – Use textbook to apply pressure Weather/Erosion Master – Break apart and move crayon *Station Assignments*

Supplies 2 crayons Napkin Small piece of aluminum foil Penny Textbook Tong **Large piece of aluminum foil, and hot/cold water cups will remain at station

Rock Cycle Crayon Lab Teacher Demonstration Important things to remember: – When putting crayon into hot water, use tongs and only put rock in for about 5 seconds (you are not completely melting it) – When putting crayon shavings on hot plate, 2 people should use tongs. IMMEDIATELY remove from hot plate when melted. DO NOT LET IT BURN! – Only 1 group at heating station at a time – Be careful! Any horseplay will results in removal of lab and alternative assignment

Rock Crayon Lab

Friday Warm-Up (pg 19) Draw a Venn-diagram for rocks and minerals – Include the properties of minerals (5) and rocks (3) – Both: Solid, Naturally Occurring, – Mineral: Crystal structure, inorganic, uniform chemical composition – Rock: May contain organic matter, made of minerals