Review Define totalitarianism Who is in charge? What methods are used to maintain control? Identify 3 key traits of this government (other than the two covered in the previous q’s).
Fascism A form of totalitarian government Promotes extreme form of nationalism and obedience to leader Belief that nation’s must struggle Uniforms, salutes, rallies
Characteristics of Fascism Basic principles Authoritarianism State more important than the individual Charismatic leader Action oriented
Characteristics of Fascism Political Nationalism Racism One-party rule Supreme leader
Characteristics of Fascism Economic: Economy controlled by the state
Characteristics of Fascism Cultural Censorship Indoctrination Secret police
Characteristics of Fascism Social Supported by middle class, industrialists, and military
Examples of Fascism Italy Spain Germany What characteristics of fascism might make it attractive to people during times of crisis such as the depression?
The Appeal of Fascism Faith in democracy lost Promised to: Revive economy Punish those responsible for hard times Restore order Restore national pride
Fascism vs. Other Gov’ts Create 3 Venn diagrams comparing and contrasting fascism with: Absolutism Communism Democracy *Think about key characteristics (political, economic, cultural, social, etc.) *Be thorough!