StudentTracker for a service provided by CONFIDENTIAL- ©2011 National Student Clearinghouse. All rights reserved.
Space Shuttle’s Last Flight
We serve the education community by facilitating the exchange and understanding of student enrollment, performance, and related information.
Founded in 1993 as a not-for-profit organization in affiliation with several educational associations including AACRAO, NASFAA, COHEAO, NCHELP et al. Established with the purpose of developing processes and procedures to assist the financial aid community with student loan deferments
Currently known as the nation's trusted source for student degree and enrollment verification. Our services help educational institutions improve efficiency, reduce costs and workload, and enhance the quality-of-service they provide to their students and alumni, lending institutions, employers, and other organizations.
Complete All enrolled students Current Data is received at least 4 times each enrollment period Comprehensive Not bound by state boundaries or institutional sponsorship Conclusive Authentic, not survey or anecdotal
FERPA Compliant Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Trusted and Neutral 16 years of data collection and storage Under contract as your agent Voluntary Participation Secure Data Transmission FTP, encryption, etc. Student Information is NEVER sold Quarterly security audits No student data on laptops
All of our services are compliant with the F amily Educational Rights and Privacy Act – FERPA – also known as the Buckley Amendment Release of student records by schools to the Clearinghouse has been approved by Department of Education (Department of Education letter is available on the Clearinghouse web site )
Only unblocked directory-level information is disclosed to non-lenders, these records include: Name Address Phone number and address Dates of attendance Degree(s) awarded Enrollment status Major field of study (Note: Not all data elements are available from the Clearinghouse) *Students can use a FERPA block to restrict the release of directory information. All FERPA blocks are honored.
Where did they enroll in college? What degrees did they earn? Did they graduate? How long did they attend? What was their major course of study?
A cost effective way to replace survey and anecdotal information with documented enrollment and degree data
Word of Mouth Nationwide Enrollment Data Real Time Enrollment Reporting Over 3,300 Postsecondary Institutions Direct Reporting Alumni Management Software Exit and Post- Graduation Surveys Conventional Methods StudentTracker
Nationwide Enrollment 93% of the nation’s postsecondary enrollment Direct Reporting Enrollment data is reported directly to the Clearinghouse – no second hand reporting Over 3,300 Schools Includes public/private, 2-/4-year, technical, graduate and trade schools Real Time Enrollment Enrollment reported every days during the semester
Excel or Flat File Data Layout Secure File Transfer Protocol (FTP) No specialized software necessary Limited computer programming required Reports returned in CSV and PDF format
Required elements (highlighted cells –these cells cannot be blank) Header and Trailer Records and Record Type Indicators Record type: PH1, PD1, or PT1 depending on row type District code and name as provided on your Account Reference Sheet File Transmission date Requested data elements: SSN (or “No SSN”), first name, last name, birth date, diploma title, diploma award date, FERPA block indicator, school name, and school code (as provided by a client coordinator)
StudentTracker Enrollment Reports Receive one at the district level and one for each high school
7 part Aggregate Report First Fall after HS graduation First year after HS graduation First two years after HS graduation Retention College Graduation (6-year rate) Time to graduation Enrollment and Progress by class
Public vs. Private 2-yr vs. 4-yr In-state vs. Out-of-state
Detail Report Student-level enrollment and graduation data by term
Sign a StudentTracker for High Schools Agreement – contact LaTonya Page at or Have an implementation session with your assigned Client Coordinator Create your historic diploma file following a detailed file layout Submit your diploma file through your secure FTP account Download your reports from your secure FTP account
RCOE also needs districts to upload the student ID number (Column J-Statewide Student Identifier “SSID” Number) and demographic data (Column P- Gender; Column Q-Ethnicity; Column R- Socioeconomically Disadvantaged/NSLP; Column W-English Learner; Column Z-Disability Code and Column AA-Parent Education Level)
Bill Clendaniel – Student Tracker Consultant Samantha Dowd – Student Tracker Service Coordinator