Chapter 9.1 Manifest Destiny
Spanish America New Mexico settled in 1598 Oldest Spanish Colony in Northwest 1765 only 9,400 lived in New Mexico Santa Fe and El Paso Farmers and Ranchers Fear of Pueblo Indians kept population low
Natives Pueblo Populations were declining due to disease Less than 10,000 by 1765 Apaches were becoming very powerful Warring tribe Acquired horses from Spanish Guns From French
1800- Lakota and Comanche Indians moved into the plains and pushed the Apache into New Mexico Apaches raided settlements and stole livestock Spain paid Navajo and Comanche’s to attack the Apache
California By 1821 New Mexico had a population of 40,000. Texas was Stagnant, but the Coast of California was being settled by missions. Like Texas they had problems attracting settlers Junipero Serra was a Franciscan Priest who worked at converting the local Natives
California Continued… This task was easier because these populations did not have horses or guns. By 1821 when Spanish rule ended there were 20 missions in California As well as Los Angeles and San Jose 18,000 natives had been converted
Mexican Independence 1821 the Mexican Revolution America recognized Mexico and an independent republic.
Manifest Destiny American’s wanted the land that Mexico held…. California, Texas, and New Mexico All were rich with resources American’s justified this desire because they felt that Mexican’s were inferior Their government and economy was too weak
John O’Sullivan a journalist wrote that: “The American claim is by the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the experiment of liberty and …. Self-government entrusted to us.” (1845)
What Does This Mean? Basically it means that American’s had the God given right to own all of the lands from east to west in North America. This was going to greatly limit the freedom of the Natives and Mexicans in these areas.
Santa Fe Trail Mexican Independence spurred trade with Americans and the Santa Fe Trail was created.
Mountain Men Men who crossed the Rockies in search of Beaver and other furs…. Known as trappers. California Trail was created by these men who worked their way to the Pacific coast.
Oregon Trail Turned North West at the South Pass and headed to “Oregon Country”. Missionaries Marcus and Narcissa Whitman went to Oregon and opened a Mission. Stopping point for those heading to the Willamette Valley
….. They were murdered by Natives in 1847 who blamed them for the measles epidemic that had decimated the population.
John C Fremont 1842- Led a government expedition to the West. Did not discover anything new Gave romantic reports that spurred migration west.
Wagon Trains In the Spring thousands would leave Springfield, Illinois. Trip was 2,000 miles Traveled in Trains of 10 to 100 wagons 50-1,000 people
Georgia and Eliza Donner with Mary Brunner in about 1850 Georgia and Eliza Donner with Mary Brunner in about 1850
Donner Party Left in 1846 heading west 33 people Mostly women and children Going to California Took the wrong pass Became snowbound in the Sierra Nevada's Resorted to Cannibalism 7 people survived 2 men and 5 women
Mormons Joseph Smith founder was murdered in Illinois in 1844. Brigham Young organized an exodus in 1847 Traveled across the great plains to Salt Lake 1860- 40,000 Mormons live in Salt Lake
Treaty of Ft. Laramie Native were forced to stay away from major trails. In place to protect settlers Natives still clung to nomadic life styles Conflicts continued.