How to get published (in EJHG)?
Questions to ask Is your paper within the scope? Does the journal reach an appropriate audience? How easy is electronic submission? How quickly will you receive a decision? How quickly will your paper be published? Where to send your manuscript?
ARTICLE TYPES Regular manuscripts typically fit in one of the below categories, see also Instructions to authors: (Sizes app. x3 in 2-line 12p typescript). Articles (typically 5-12 pages) Short Reports (up to 4 pages) Reviews Letters (no abstract) Policy Practical Genetics Clinical Utility Gene Cards Book Reviews
TYPICAL FORMAT Articles and Short Reports have as a format: Cover letter Title page followed by keywords Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Acknowledgements References Tables Figures
REVIEW PROCESS On submission of your manuscript you will receive an acknowledgement The Editor-in-Chief determines: If the manuscript is within the scope of the Journal If the paper should be sent out for review [NO = ~30% ] If the answer is – in principle - yes (or in doubt) : Assigns it to a Section Editor [ ~ 70 %] The SE reconsiders and if suitable [~ 65%] Selects at least two experts (NB: 4 needed up to 6..) Based in part on the reviewers reports he/she recommends \to ask for minor or major revisions, accept or (almost) reject
WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? –Interest to the international community –Novel and original findings –Credibility They may be somewhat controversial But then they should be very topical –Clarity of data and conclusions –Brevity
WHAT IS SELECTED AGAINST? –Reiterative/confirmative findings (archival) mutation series semi-reviews (the litterature + our new data) –(Somewhat) outdated approaches (,, ) –Single cases unless providing NEW insights not the first case in country xxx –GWAS without independent validation –Candidate gene associations unless validated, novel, expected high impact YOU WANT US TO BE CITED !