Peter Sharp CERN CMS Electronics CMS LV Power System Peter Sharp 7 April 2003
Peter Sharp CERN CMS Electronics CMS LV Power System
Peter Sharp CERN CMS Electronics CMS LV Power System
Peter Sharp CERN CMS Electronics CMS LV Power System Proposed System Design -1 Hard Wired Sensors – Continuous monitor (Temperature…) If Detector ‘Safe’ switch on Control System (Low Power Dissipation) Control System (Tracker and ECAL use Tracker System) DCU provides comprehensive sensing of Detectors If Detector ‘Safe’ prepare to switch on Low Voltage System ‘Set-Up’ LV Regulators on Front End Electronics (ECAL) Sequentially bring on Low Voltage Power Systems
Peter Sharp CERN CMS Electronics CMS LV Power System Proposed System Design – 2
Peter Sharp CERN CMS Electronics CMS LV Power System Proposed System Design – 3
Peter Sharp CERN CMS Electronics CMS LV Power System Proposed System Design – 4
Peter Sharp CERN CMS Electronics CMS LV Power System Proposed Schedule Agree Sub-Detector Requirements in May 2003 (Electronics Week) Define Responsibilities of CERN and Fermi Lab in May 2003 Outline Costs of System (for planning) in June 2003 Complete Prototype AC-DC Converter Tests in September 03 Sub-Detector Prototypes for System Tests in December 2003 Review System and Integration Plans in December 2003 Final Prototypes for tests with the Magnet in January 2005
Peter Sharp CERN CMS Electronics CMS LV Power System Proposed Decision Schedule Agree to Fund the Design of the CMS LV SystemToday Agree Specifications of AC-DC ConvertersMay 03 Agree ‘Planning’ Costing of SystemJune 03 Agree System Design and Integration PlansDec 03 Agree Final Design of AC-DC ConvertersMarch 04 Agree to Procure 2 MGSsJan 04 Install Power Distribution SystemMarch 05