M&V Training M&V Summit 6 June 2002 Palm Springs, CA
Current FEMP M&V Training Given as part of DO workshop. Target audience are agencies and contracting officers. Offers overview of Options A, B, C, D. Approach geared towards satisfying contract requirements. Site-specific available, but at increased cost. July 16-17, Chicago, IL
Current Opportunities: AEE Fundamentals Of Measurement & Verification: Applying The New MVP June 3-5 (West Coast EMC 2002), Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA October 2-4, 2002 Radisson Hotel Central Dallas, Dallas, TX $1,350 regular / $1,250 government or AEE
Current Opportunities: AEE This is a new 3-day certification course- 2.5 days of classroom training day exam. It does include (some) FEMP materials. It is possible to take the exam without taking the class. Opportunity to hold seminar at WEEC Oct 2002 for DOE and related parties. See or call Leslie Walcker at for more info.
Current Opportunities: ASHRAE ASHRAE has no M&V classes planned for See (then ASHRAE learning institute) or call Joanie Waits at for updates.
Current Opportunities: PNNL FEMP Measurement and Verification (M&V) Instructional Tool (Software) –William Chvala Jr., –Phone: – –Web:
Current Opportunities: Texas A&M Energy Systems Lab Measurement & Verification October 18, Dallas, TX $150 Continuous Commissioning sm July 10, El Paso, TX $150 October 14 & 15, Dallas, TX $195 See or call Lana Tolleson at for more information.
Current Opportunities: Energy 2002 Measurement & Verification for Federal ESPC Projects June 6 & 7, Palm Desert, CA $675 Contact Sain Engineering at or for more information.
Where We Are Conducting ‘needs assessment’ for potential participants - ongoing Comparing other course offerings to identify strengths & weaknesses Talking to AEE about modifying MVP certification course to include FEMP- specific materials - ongoing Developing ‘straw man’ modules - on hold
Needs Assessment: Audience Agency level: –Contracting officers (non-technical) –Purchasing agents (non-technical) –Facility Managers & Operators (technical) ESCO: –Project Managers (technical) –Technicians (technical) Project Facilitators (tech & non-tech)
Needs Assessment: Medium Classroom / seminars –Stand-alone –Conference tag-along (WEEC 2002?) –On-site (customized) Self-instruction Web / CD-ROM (e.g. PNNL tool) Video
Course Comparisons
Course Comparisons (cont’d)
AEE / MVP Course Instructor (JC) wants to modify existing course to include FEMP materials. Would like to conduct ‘market test’ of existing course to FEMP/DOD audience to solicit feedback. Modify / revise course based on feedback.
AEE / MVP Course AEE has proposed to offer ‘in-house’ course at WEEC in Atlanta in October. DOE would be responsible for arrangements and marketing. Participants would earn CMVP (certification) from AEE. Compare to Sain experience? Is cost/time a barrier, or are there other issues?
Straw Man Modules Under development, but not ready for distribution. On hold until needs assessment and AEE collaboration better defined.