18-Jan-021W. Karpinski System Test Design verification of petals and interconnect boards and control links without detectors a)mechanics b)electrical performance c)thermal behavior 2.Test of the IInd detector group (rings #3, #4, #6) -ring #6 full equipped with Si-Modules,and optical hybrids -ring #3 and #4 ‚ equipped with detector frames, frontend hybrids and optical hybrids only 3.Test of the IIIrd detector group (rings #5, #7) -equipped with detector frames, frontend hybrids and optical hybrids only 4.Test of the Ist detector group (rings #1, #2) -equipped with detector frames, frontend hybrids and optical hybrids only
18-Jan-022W. Karpinski Mechanics omechanical compatibility of the InterConnect Boards (ICB) with the mechanical structure of petals -fixation points, inserts and holes for alignment system -position of the FE hybrid connectors vs. position of the detector modules, mech. stress of the Detector Module -fixation of the optical hybrids and routing of the fibers omechanical stress of the ICB, cable connectors, ends of multiservice cables -due to the plugging and unplugging of multiservice cables -due to current flow in magnetic field, if the petals are tilted a little bit -dynamic stress on the non twisted cable ends due to switching on and off of groups of FE Hybrids, -due to the large thermal expansion coefficient of pcb material and large difference in two operating conditions –30 °C and room temperature
18-Jan-023W. Karpinski
18-Jan-024W. Karpinski
18-Jan-025W. Karpinski Equipment: oMagnetic field, B 1Tesla (Bonn or CERN) oSwitchable dummy load of Frontend Hybrid odummy load of Optical Hybrid oThermo – Vacuum chamber
18-Jan-026W. Karpinski Electrical performance Quality of production ocontinuity of connections, oinsulation test of HV-distribution otest system for mass production of assembled ICB Power distribution ovoltage drops; verification of x-section of power lines overification of points of attachment of sense wires and ground reference omeasurement of the over-voltage (due to switching off/on of the FE hybrids and inductance of the long cables) as a function of capacitive load, protection against over-voltage? olocation of the capacitors on the ICB, total capacitance on the ICB
18-Jan-027W. Karpinski Electrical performance (cont.) Signal Integrity of the distribution of the fast control signals: clock, reset and back plane pulses
18-Jan-028W. Karpinski Technical data Test points: Low voltage:0,1 - 40VDC Insulation test: VDC Test current: 50 mA - 2 A Selective component test Resistors Capacitors Diodes / Zener diodes Costs: Frame : € 64 test points module: 500 € Connection Test System total for 2048 test points: €
18-Jan-029W. Karpinski Connection Test System based on CCUM oDummy of FE - Hybrid eqipped with I2C controlled 16 BIT I/O port and a little logic to test the voltage level on each pin of connector oDummy of OH with a little logic to test the voltage level on each pin of connector
18-Jan-0210W. Karpinski Little Logic to test the voltage level of power pins
18-Jan-0211W. Karpinski Tools for the test of power distribution and Signal Integrity o„Emulator“ of the CCUM with the basic functions
18-Jan-0212W. Karpinski Tools for the test of power distribution (cont.) oSwitch-able dummy load of Front-end Hybrid odummy load of Optical Hybrid both with the proper dynamic resistivity of the power ports Schematics of the dummy
18-Jan-0213W. Karpinski Control link and control optoelectronics on the level of petals omechanical verification of the control ring -fixation of the digital optical hybrids (DOH), fixation of the CCUMs -cable routing -Cooling of the DOH module overification of the electrical performance of control ring -impedance matching, termination, reflections -shielding of cables, shielding of DOHs -voltage margin, cross section of power lines and GND lines verification of grounding concept, bit error rate -verification of redundancy of control link
18-Jan-0214W. Karpinski Tools for Tests of Control link 1 stage -CCUM2 pc/petal, -FEC1 pc -Front-end hybrids orfew -dummies with I2C I/O Port 4-11 pc 2 stage -1 control link 6 CCUMs (3) -ICB for IInd group3pc -Inter-petal cables 3 pc -FEC 1 pc -dummies with I2C I/O Port pc 3 stage -Optical link1 pc -Digital Optical Hybrid2 pc/control link -ICB for IInd group3pc -Inter-petal cables 3 pc -dummies with I2C I/O Port pc
18-Jan-0215W. Karpinski oPick up from digital signals oGround loops, grounding of frames oNoise from cooling system if any? oStudies of shielding requirements of petals oInfluence of ripples on the supply voltage to the quality of APV readout oCommon mode effects at the level of power groups ; can noise from crazy chips feed through the power lines to other chips. Noise studies with Si-Detectors of II detector group
18-Jan-0216W. Karpinski Required readout electronics Services LV – Power Supplies : HP E3633A + HP E3614A HV – Biasing: EHQ 8006F, 8 isolated channels, 600V, noise =2 mVpp, I resolution =100pA Temp Control: Keithley 2700 DAQ
18-Jan-0217W. Karpinski Test of Interconnect - Boards
18-Jan-0218W. Karpinski Test of the Control - Link