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The 5 parts of a map are: A. scale B. title C. compass D. grid E. legend/key
scale Line divided into parts showing miles or kilometers Line divided into parts showing miles or kilometers
title Tells the reader what the map is about Tells the reader what the map is about
compass Direction arrow that points north on the map. Direction arrow that points north on the map. Compass rose points the four cardinal directions as well as the intermediate directions. Compass rose points the four cardinal directions as well as the intermediate directions.
grid Used to show the absolute location of places. Used to show the absolute location of places. Latitude – measures north and south starting at the equator.Latitude – measures north and south starting at the equator. Longitude measures east and west starting at the prime meridian.Longitude measures east and west starting at the prime meridian. Where these two lines cross is that absolute location on the map.Where these two lines cross is that absolute location on the map.
legend/key To explain the various colors and symbols used on the map. To explain the various colors and symbols used on the map.
2. The 5 Themes of geography are: Movement Regions Human Environment Interaction Location Place **also known as Mr. Help**
Movement The movement of ideas, people and things across the globe.
Regions An area that has general similarities in land forms, climate and vegetation.
Human Environment Interaction How people use, adapt to, or change their surroundings.
Location The position of a place on the earth’s surface.
Relative location - is the position of a location on the earth’s surface in relation to other locations.
Absolute location – is the exact position of a mountain, river, lake, city, or town on the earth’s surface.
Place Description of an area.
3. Types of maps Physical Political Special purpose
Physical Map that shows mountains, rivers, plains and other physical features.
Political Map that shows cities, states, countries and other smaller political divisions.
Special Purpose Map that shows rainfall, agriculture, population density, and other special purposes.
4. Four Regions of Texas Coastal Plains Coastal Plains North Central Texas North Central Texas Great Plains Great Plains Mountains and Basins Mountains and Basins
Coastal Plains The largest natural region in Texas that lies along the coast with flat land and plenty of water The largest natural region in Texas that lies along the coast with flat land and plenty of water
North Central Plains The region that receives less rainfall than the coastal plains but is covered with hills and valleys. The region that receives less rainfall than the coastal plains but is covered with hills and valleys. It includes Abilene and Fort Worth.It includes Abilene and Fort Worth. Used for ranching and crops such as cotton, grain, peanuts and watermelon Used for ranching and crops such as cotton, grain, peanuts and watermelon
Great Plains The natural region that is very dry, located in high elevation, and is covered with flat, grassy land The natural region that is very dry, located in high elevation, and is covered with flat, grassy land It includes Amarillo and the Palo Duro Canyon.It includes Amarillo and the Palo Duro Canyon. The only crops that grow are cotton and wheat because of irrigation. The only crops that grow are cotton and wheat because of irrigation.
Mountains and Basins The western most natural region in Texas and is the highest and driest. The western most natural region in Texas and is the highest and driest. It includes El Paso.It includes El Paso.