Global Science experiment Data hub Center Oct. 13, 2014 Seo-Young Noh Status Report on Tier 1 in Korea
Status Reports on Tier 1 in Korea2/14CERN-Korea Committee Meeting Contents 1.Network Upgrade Plan 2.ALICE Tier 1 Operations 3.New CMS 4.Conclusions
Network Upgrade Plan
Status Reports on Tier 1 in Korea4/14CERN-Korea Committee Meeting Network Upgrade Schedule Funding has been secured with a lot of supports from Korean government. Only administrative procedures are left. 10Gbps upgrade will be completed by March, 2015 at least before RUN2 starts Dec. Oct.Mar. 2015May RUN2 Buffer (2 mon) Complete Contract Upgrade (3 mon) 2 mon Tender Notification
Status Reports on Tier 1 in Korea5/14CERN-Korea Committee Meeting Planed 10Gbps Network 10Gbps Upgrade As-Is: To-Be: 2G KREONET2 + 2G SURNet Dedicated Circuit 10G + 10G SURFnet Contracted provider will allocate the dedicated circuit 10G.
ALICE Tier 1 Operations
Status Reports on Tier 1 in Korea7/14CERN-Korea Committee Meeting Computing Jobs KISTI Tier 1 is a reliable site in WLCG, stable and smooth running ~ 2500 ~ 100 (Queued Agents) Max 2,688 concurrent jobs (84 nodes x 32 cores, 10.5 HS06/core) = 28 kHS06 A few short incidents due to the maintenance of undersea optical fibre link More than 2M jobs were completed in last 6 months, already exceeded the total jobs in last year (1.8 M jobs)
Status Reports on Tier 1 in Korea8/14CERN-Korea Committee Meeting Storage ■Disk 1000TB XRootD based storage system (1 redirector + 9 storage nodes) Fulfilled the pledge for 2014 ■Tape 1040TB 8 tape drivers with 2GB/s throughput 260 tapes (4TB each) 1500TB pledged for 2014, under negotiation for price Tape 1PB Buffer Pool 600TB for XRootD+GPFS Buffer Pool (XRootD) Service Servers GPFS/TSM Server (XRootD Tape) Maintenance (new server installation)
Status Reports on Tier 1 in Korea9/14CERN-Korea Committee Meeting Site Availability/ Reliability 97% is the monthly target in ALICE On track for a stable and reliable site 100% reliable for last 6 months ReliabilityAvailability Overall in 2014Last 6 monthsOverall in 2014Last 6 months ALICE99 %100 %98 %99 % AprMayJunJulAugSep Reliability100 Availability ■Summary ■Monthly Availability/ Reliability (%) Participating in WLCG operation meeting twice a week, reporting operation related issues Participating in WLCG operation meeting twice a week, reporting operation related issues
Status Reports on Tier 1 in Korea11/14CERN-Korea Committee Meeting Milestone Letter from KCMS MOU KCMS&KISTI H/W ReadyComputing Storage PhEDEx (Data Transmission) Beta Service Open Meeting Paper Work System Work Oct. 25, ‘13 Nov. 25Feb. 5, ‘14 Mar. 17 Feb. 28 Collaboration Board Meeting (Presentation) Dec. 5 Letter to CMS (Joining) Apr. 4 Associate Member Approval June. 2 Registration Complete Dec. ‘13 Apr. ‘14June-JulyJuly 31 Meeting Schedule Effected A lot of administrative exchanges unexpected
Status Reports on Tier 1 in Korea12/14CERN-Korea Committee Meeting Data Link Connections All CMS Tier 1 have been connected, data transmission is in good shape Linked to all CMS Tier 1 Linked to 3 Tier 2 82TB Transmitted d Good link quality for last 7 days Outcomes from excellent collaborations among KISTI, KCMS, and CERN-CMS experts! Outcomes from excellent collaborations among KISTI, KCMS, and CERN-CMS experts!
Status Reports on Tier 1 in Korea14/14CERN-Korea Committee Meeting Conclusions ■A lot of efforts has been put to make a secure plan for network upgrade to 10Gbps by Korean government. It will be completed by March ■KISTI Tier 1 has been running stable and fully functional, fulfilling the requirements for Tier 1. ■KISTI Tier 1 will prepare for receiving 10% of produced data from ALICE during RUN2, roughly 1PB per year. ■Excellent teamwork among KCMS, CERN-CMS and KISTI speeded up the fast implementation of new CMS T3 at KISTI. It is the evidence of our fruitful future collaborations.
Thank you