Cocaine Trafficking Network within the United States LT Young LT Foster LT Carline
Primary means are private and commercial vehicles. Favor particular routes to supply U.S drug markets.
Cocaine is widely available throughout the country. Demand for illicit drugs in United States is rising.
Major city distribution hubs have a maximum limitation on the quantity of metric tons of cocaine which can remain in the city for distribution. City’s demand for drugs is a function of its metro population and the total population of destination cities.
> 1 Million.5-1 Million >.5 Million
The cartel has well-developed transportation and distribution networks within the U.S. Extensive network of cities to facilitate the the cartel’s trafficking operations within the U.S. Destination cities represent the network nodes.
Interdictions by the Drug Enforcement Agency Attacks for the cartel to use alternate routes for distribution of the supply to the final destination major city.
Maximize distribution Maximize profit Minimize interdiction
278 metric tons Overall expected seizure percentage is approximately 10%
Border seizures Drug distribution to cities Constant seizure rate
Update 7 June Start San Diego San Diego LA End Tucson TUDAL Dallas SDLA
interdiction plan with 0 Attacks: flow with interdictions in place = 251.2
interdiction plan with 1 Attacks: attack arc: San Diego -> LA flow with interdictions in place = 245.6
interdiction plan with 2 Attacks: attack arc: San Diego -> LA attack arc: San Diego -> DEN flow with interdictions in place = 215.7
interdiction plan with 3 Attacks: attack arc: Laredo -> HOU attack arc: San Diego -> LA attack arc: San Diego -> DEN flow with interdictions in place = 213.2
interdiction plan with 4 Attacks: attack arc: Chicago -> NY attack arc: Jacksonville -> NY attack arc: SanDiego -> LA attack arc: Tucson -> PHX flow with interdictions in place = 206.7
interdiction plan with 5 Attacks: attack arc: Chicago -> NY attack arc: ElPaso -> HOU attack arc: Jacksonville -> NY attack arc: Laredo -> HOU attack arc: SanDiego -> LA flow with interdictions in place = 197.9
interdiction plan with 6 Attacks: attack arc: Chicago -> NY attack arc: ElPaso -> HOU attack arc: Jacksonville -> NY attack arc: Laredo -> HOU attack arc: SanDiego -> LA attack arc: Tucson -> PHX flow with interdictions in place = 176.8
All cases: Maximize Chicago, Dallas, Detroit If no pending attacks, maximize Los Angeles 1-3 attacks, maximize Houston, New York 4-6 attacks maximize Washington DC
Fails to display all possible transit paths for the cartel, i.e. back roads. Does not account for the time for the routes to transit drugs Does not account for alternative methods such as noncommercial vessels, ultralight aircraft, freight trains, and tunnels
Smuggling routes within Mexico Production of the drugs within the United States Drug distribution operations gangs migrating to areas in Great Lakes, Pacific, and west central regions to expand drug distribution
National Drug Threat Assessment 2011 ◦ National Drug Intelligence Center ◦