1 Reproductive System Unit 46 Adonis K. Lomibao, R.N. 12/01/11
2 Structure & Function Produce reproductive cells. -Male=sperm Female=ovum. Produces hormones responsible for sex characteristics. -Male= testosterone Female= estrogen & progesterone.
3 The Reproductive Process Male & female engage in sexual intercourse Male propels sperm and seminal fluid in which they swim into the vagina. Sperm & egg meet in fallopian tube. Sperm penetrates egg & conception takes place. Fetus develops in the uterus Female breasts produce milk for nourishment.
4 The Male Reproductive Organs Testes: produce sperm and testosterone. Epididymis: stores sperm & allows to mature Vas Deferens:carries sperm to seminal vesicles during ejaculation. Seminal vesicles:receive & store sperm from vas deferens
5 Male organs cont. Ejaculatory duct: carries fluid produced in seminal vesicles. Prostate Gland:secretes fluid that increases ability of sperm to move in the seminal fluid. Cowper's glands: produce mucous for lubrication. Penis: composed of tissue that can be filled with blood.
6 Male System
7 The Female Reproductive Organs Vulva: made of labia majora & minora Clitoris:functions to begin the rhythmic series of contractions associated with climax. Urinary meatus: opening to the urethra Vaginal meatus: The opening to the vagina or birth canal.
8 The Internal Female Structures Ovaries: glands that produce estrogen and progesterone, and the egg. Egg releases=ovulation. Fallopian tubes: pathway between ovary and uterus. Where sperm & egg meet. Fertilization! Uterus: made of fundus, body, & cervix. Lined with special tissue called endometrium. Vagina:between bladder & rectum. Streches. Lined with mucous membrane.
9 The Female System
10 Menstruation & Ovulation Menstrual cycle begins at puberty. (9-17) Cycle usually between 25 & 30 days. A mature egg is released from ovary, travels to fallopian tubes, may be fertilized by sperm. Menstruation- flow to carry out endometrium when fertilization doesn't occur. Menopause- When the last ova are released & cycle ceases.
11 Conditions of Male Organs Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy- enlargement of the prostate gland without tumor development. -Narrows urethra -Can cause urinary retention -non-cancerous
12 Prostate Cancer 2 nd leading cause of cancer deaths for males S&S Include difficulty voiding or starting stream,frequency, urgency,retention,UTI, (p.825) Screening: Prostate Specific Antigen in blood test. Grows very slowly
13 Enlarged Prostate
14 Treatment Prostatectomy Transurethral prostatectomy- some of gland is removed, working from inside. Perineal prostatectomy-entire gland is removed through surgical incisions in perenium. Suprapubic prostatectomy Brachytherapy: type of radiation therapy where seeds or pellets are implanted.
15 Cancer of the Testes Orchiectomy-removal of the testes. When malignant, removal is necessary. When early diagnosis made, early treatment can avoid removal.
16 Conditions of the Female Organs Rectocele-weakening of wall between vagina and rectum. Cause constipation and hemmorrhoids. Cystocele- weakening of the muscles between bladder & vagina. Treatment-Colporrhaphy- tightens the vaginal walls.
17 Vulvovaginitis Most often caused by fungal infection of Candida albicans. Thick, white vaginal discharge,inflammation, itching, Special drugs and creams given..NOT douches..
18 Tumors of Uterus & Ovaries Indications are changes in menstrual flow -Menorrhagia-excessive flow. -Amenorrhea-lack of flow. -Dysmenorrhea-difficult or painful menstrual flow. -Metrorrhagia- bleeding at completely irregular intervals.
19 Tumors of U & O Cont. Ovarian cancer dangerous due to lack of S&S until it is advanced and metastasized. Strong familial link, common if over 50yo,risk if never had children, or taking fertility drugs. Women taking birth control has lower risk. S&S Ovarian cancer: abdominal pain, bloating, Nausea, frequent urination,abn. Bleeding, etc. (p827).
20 Treatment of Tumors May include: chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Surgery: -Hysterectomy-removal of uterus & cervix. -Oophorectomy- removal of ovary. -Salpingectomy-removal of a fallopian tube. -Panhysterectomy- removal of uterus, both ovaries, and tubes.