6.01 Trace the development of law in American society Laws are set of rules that allow people in a society to live together
Functions of Laws What Should Laws do? Laws set…… Laws include… Laws set the rules…. What makes a good law? Good Laws… Are fair Are reasonable Are understandable Are enforceable Question: What is the difference between a warning and a law?
Read pp. 428 and 429-complete the graphic organizer Define the terms: common law, precedent, statute. What two early legal systems influenced the development of our laws?
The Constitution of the United States establishes and protects the individual’s fundamental rights and liberties. Goal 6.02 Cite examples of common, criminal, civil, constitutional, administrative, and statutory law. Goal 6.02 Cite examples of common, criminal, civil, constitutional, administrative, and statutory law. Two types of law affect Americans directly. Two types of law affect Americans directly. Criminal Criminal Civil Civil
I:CRIMINAL LAW American courts operate under an adversary system. Adversarial. American courts operate under an adversary system. Adversarial. This system serves as an arena in which….. This system serves as an arena in which….. The judge is…… The judge is…… Critics argue that it ……………. Critics argue that it ……………. Supporter claim ………. Supporter claim ……….
Plaintiff v. Defendant Felonies =murder, rape, arson, robbery etc. Felonies =murder, rape, arson, robbery etc. Misdemeanors =vandalism, stealing inexpensive items, traffic violations Misdemeanors =vandalism, stealing inexpensive items, traffic violations Crimes against property Crimes against property Larceny- Hillbilly Heist = Larceny- Hillbilly Heist = Robbery = Robbery = Burglary = Burglary =
II: Civil Law Concerned with disputes between people or groups –no criminal laws are broken. State does not take action since no threat to social order is performed. Concerned with disputes between people or groups –no criminal laws are broken. State does not take action since no threat to social order is performed. Still have plaintiff and defendant but they are two people or two groups. Still have plaintiff and defendant but they are two people or two groups. Lawsuit= legal action where one person sues for damages for some harm done. Lawsuit= legal action where one person sues for damages for some harm done. Plaintiff is one who sues, defendant is group or individual being sued. Plaintiff is one who sues, defendant is group or individual being sued.
Tort Law-Civil Wrongs Family Law- Issues related to family Tort Law applies when a person may suffer injury that another person is responsible for. Family Law rules that apply to family units. Marriage laws, divorce, child custody, adoption, alimony, child support, child and spousal abuse.
Legal Rights Libel= Who was John Peter Zenger? Who was Ida Wells-Barnett?
Laws Protect your rights and enforce rules and statutes Laws that govern our lives and protect our rights come from many sources. Constitutional Law= decide limits of the government over our lives and protect individual rights. Administrative Law= rules that the executive branch enforces that sets guidelines for safety, honesty, and fairness in the workplace, government, and public and private entities. FAA, FDA, EPA, OSHA, etc… Statutory Law= regulates behavior, sets up benefits and rights to certain laws enacted by Congress. Ex: Social Security, speed limits. These laws are passed by federal, state, and local governments.
Which type of law that you have read or taken notes on in this section do you feel has the greatest influence over your life? Should we have a law that says what a restaurant can and cannot serve its customers? Should there be a law that restricts how much a person should make as a salary? Should there be a law that mandates helmets be worn on ski slopes while skiing?
Types of Law Criminal Law Public LawCivil Law