International Alliance for Child & Adolescent Mental Health & Schools Cheryl Vince Whitman President, Intercamhs Senior Vice President, EDC Director, WHO Collaborating Center November 5, 2009
Vision Mental health will be addressed through collaborative interdisciplinary whole-school approaches for all school community members across nations. Mental health will be addressed through collaborative interdisciplinary whole-school approaches for all school community members across nations.
Location and Structure Launched with SAMHSA funding; Launched with SAMHSA funding; EDC now the administrative home; EDC now the administrative home; International Board; International Board; Management Committee. Management Committee.
Products and Services Pre & post conference seminars; Pre & post conference seminars; Forums with education, mental health & other agencies to advance policy& planning; Forums with education, mental health & other agencies to advance policy& planning;
Products and Services Connect people within & across countries through member database; Connect people within & across countries through member database; Facilitate on-line discussions of critical issues; Facilitate on-line discussions of critical issues; Publish monographs and articles. Publish monographs and articles.
Recent Accomplishments
Global Survey School Principals
Other Current Activities Global Framework School Mental Health Global Framework School Mental Health Report & journal article from this meeting Report & journal article from this meeting European project: data on evidence- based practices for schools European project: data on evidence- based practices for schools Revamping Intercamhs web site Revamping Intercamhs web site
The Sixth World Conference on the Promotion of Mental Health and Prevention of Mental and Behavioral Disorders Addressing Imbalances: Promoting Equity in Mental Health November 17–19, 2010 Washington, DC Omni Shoreham Hotel Omni Shoreham Hotel Omni Shoreham Hotel ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: APRIL 30, 2010
Contact Details Cheryl Vince Whitman President, Intercamhs Senior Vice President, EDC Director, WHO Collaborating Center Ph: EDC: Health and Human Development Division. 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA, USA