The Beginning of the Civil War
What you need to know Fort Sumter West Virginia Anaconda Plan Bull Run Shiloh Monitor & Merrimack Antietam
Confederate States of America Formed Feb 1861 –Originally 7 states in deep south –CSA states claimed US property within state borders Post offices, courthouses, forts
Fort Sumter In harbor of Charleston, SC 1 of only 2 forts in deep south not taken over by Confederacy SC demanded that US Army surrender fort or be attacked
Lincoln’s dilemma If fort is reinforced & defended, US appears to start the war –Probably alienate other southern states into joining CSA If fort is left without reinforcements or is surrendered, US admits legitimacy of CSA’s claims
Attack on Fort Sumter Lincoln decided not to reinforce fort, but not to leave it either April 12, 1861 –CSA fired on Fort Sumter from smaller forts surrounding it –Fort Sumter surrendered, no one died
Lincoln’s response Called for 75,000 volunteer troops, marched them to SC Virginia wouldn’t fight against another southern state –Seceded April 17, 1861
West Virginia Virginia was south’s largest state –Richest, most industrial Western counties of VA voted against secession They asked US to allow them to form their own state Became new state in 1863
Expectations about war Both Union and Confederacy expected a short, glorious war They were wrong
War inventions/technology Ironclad ships –Resistant to cannons and fire –Monitor (US) & Merrimack (CS) in famous battle, ended basically in a tie
War inventions/technology Rifle –More accurate than muskets –Loaded quickly, easily, safely Minie ball – soft lead bullet –More destructive Hand grenades & landmines
Union’s advantages More resources –More money –More factories (so more supplies) –Better railroads –More food –Larger population Lincoln’s smart leadership
Confederacy’s advantages Worldwide demand for cotton was always high –Other countries might help Troops were better trained –Excellent generals Motivation – most battles on southern land – fight for home
Union’s Anaconda Plan Devised by Winfield Scott Suffocate & kill south like an anaconda kills its prey 1.Blockade southern ports 2.Use Mississippi R – split CSA in ½ 3.Take CSA capital – Richmond, VA
South’s strategy Mostly defensive – make north give up fighting Generals willing to attack north for distraction
Names of Civil War battles Battles often known by 2 names US names are of nearby natural features –Rivers, mountains, etc. CSA names for same battles based on nearby civilization –Town names, churches, taverns
Battle of Bull Run/Manassas 1 st major battle – July 21, 1861 US army was marching to attack Richmond, VA (Capital of CSA) Encountered CSA army, attacked Both armies very inexperienced
Battle of Bull Run/Manassas Seesaw battle, CSA won US retreated, CSA should have pursued –Might have ended the war right then CSA Gen Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson was the hero of the battle
War in the West US Gen Ulysses S Grant commanded troops in west –Was attempting to take control of the Mississippi River
Battle of Shiloh Grant had troops camped out near Shiloh church in TN CSA ambushed them, US counterattacked next day –Battle ended as basically a tie
Lessons of Shiloh Armies must have spies & defenses to survive War isn’t easy or clean – about 25,000 casualties at Shiloh
Antietam/Sharpsburg September 1862 US Gen George McClellan retreated north Lee followed north but he was headed to Washington DC One of Lee’s men lost the battle plans – US soldiers found them McClellan intercepted Lee near Antietam Creek in Sharpsburg, MD
Antietam/Sharpsburg The worst single day in US military history – 23,000 dead Lee retreated back to VA McClellan could have wiped out Lee’s army if he pursued He didn’t, he was fired by Lincoln
What you need to know Fort Sumter West Virginia Anaconda Plan Bull Run Shiloh Monitor & Merrimack Antietam