Improving Your Firm’s Cash Flow Show Me the Money! ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Billing Time billing Billing on retainer Value added billing ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Fees Hourly rates Minimum fees How to determine tax preparation fees ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Improving Cash Flow Define payment expectations in advance Have a signed engagement letter Look at your Aged Accounts Receivable Enforce your payment procedures Make collections a priority Issue invoices promptly ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Improving Cash Flow Send out monthly statements Accept alternate forms of payment Request money in advance Auto-pay Stop work Dismiss deadbeats ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Improving Cash Flow Charge for re-runs Charge for extensions Charge to respond to notices Charge for a rush job Charge for receipt of late work ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Collections If possible, have someone else make collection calls Stay calm It’s not personal Collecting for tax returns The Satisfaction Curve ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Billing Myths ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Myth: Accountants should do the job first and worry about money later. ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Myth: Inexperienced or inefficient staff usually causes write-downs. ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Myth: All clients are very price- conscious and always think our prices are too high. If we raise prices, many clients would leave. ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Myth: If you do good work, your client will appreciate the quality and will pay for it without prompting. ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Myth: If you do not charge a client for all the work you did, they will be more likely to pay the bill. ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Myth: Last year’s price is a good guide for this year’s price. ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Myth: If you charge lower prices than the competition, you will get more clients. ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Myth: Slow payment is the price of keeping clients. Asking clients to pay is unprofessional. ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Myth: If you ask clients to pay, they will take their business elsewhere. ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Myth: Clients will appreciate it when you delay sending them their bills. ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Myth: The amount on your time- and-billing system indicates the fair price. ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Myth: What you do cannot be very valuable, because it is easy for you. ©2013 Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, PC
Any Questions? Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, EA, CFE Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, P.C. 206 Pettit Avenue Bellmore, NY