1 Tutorial 2 ABC Web site
Objective Learning web applications design Conducting assumed business logic online Connecting the Database with the web pages
Major Tasks Product Searching Ordering Customer Administration Registration Password-based Security Mechanism Tutorial_asp/homepage.html Tutorial_asp/homepage.html anyuf/Tutorial_asp/homepage.html anyuf/Tutorial_asp/homepage.html
Tutorial_2.zip 8 Files Homepage.html, Search.asp, Results.asp, Check.asp, Ordering.asp, Registration.htm, Registration.asp, Adovbs.inc 1 subfolder: pictures 5 JPG files with the product codes as the file names Download Tutorial_asp.zip Unzip the files and put it in your sub directory Tutorial_asp in your Q drive Run the application from your web site username/Tutorial_asp/homepage.html
Download and Unzip You download the Tutorial_asp.zip file from course web site. You save it to Q drive You then right click using Open With Compressed (zip) folders
Define your site in Dreamweaver
Use a server technology ASP VBScript
At home you should select option 2. You must make sure you have logged on McMaster VPN. In lab, you can select option 3 because you can access Q drive dirctely
FTP hostname: facbusad1.mcmaster.ca Folder on the testing server: Tutorial_asp FTP Login: Your MAC login name FTP Password: Your MAC login password Test Connection: When you test the ftp connection at home, you must make sure you have logged in McMaster VPN because facbusad1 is not open to public.
Test URL: yourname/Tutorial_asp/homepage.html
ABC Database Please do not use space in the field names
Business Logic Select Searching Method Homepage.html Specify Search Criteria Search.asp Product Display & Ordering Results.asp Save order items & Customer Logon Check.asp Order Confirm & Display Ordering.asp Customer Registration Registration.htm Processing Registration Registration.asp
Select Searching Method (Homepage.html)
Homepage.html Source Code of select search method Product Name Price Range Select one of the Two options. In your assignment you can add ByOccasion Invoke search.asp when submit
Search.asp Specify Product Name
Specify Price Range
‘Case 1# ‘Case 2# ">greater than less than Use case to display Different search form
Product Display & Ordering
Flowchart of Results.asp(1) Create a database connection = “ByProductName” Create a SQL with Request.Form(“PriceRange”) Request.Form(“Comparison”) Create a SQL with Request.Form(“ProductName”) Execute the SQL Request.Form(“SearchingMethod”) ? = “ByPriceRange”
Flowchart of Results.asp(2) Show the Products Provide Checkbox and Input Box for Customer to Select and Specify the Quantity Close Database Connection Click “Buy Now” N Hyperlink to “Homepage.html” Are there any products meet the criteria ? Y
Source Code of Results.asp ODBC Connection: Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.open “DSN=ODBCyuanyuf;uid=yuanyuf;pwd=yuank723” To connect to your SQL database, you have to change the DSN, uid, and pwd to your setting.
Source Code of Results.asp <% case “ByPriceRange” SQL = "SELECT * FROM Products WHERE (Unit_Price"_ & Request.Form("Comparison") & Request.form("PriceRange")_ & ") Order by Product_Code” case “ByProductName” SQL = "SELECT * FROM Products WHERE (Product_Name Like '%"_ & Request.form("ProductName") & "%') Order by Product_Code” end select %> In VB, using underscore to continue a line. & is used to combine strings Select * from Products where (Unit_Price >100) order by Product_code Select * from Products where (Product_Name like ‘%vacuum%’)
Product Display & Ordering
" value=" ">.JPG"> " value="1" size="5" maxlength="10"> <%Rec.MoveNext RecordNo = RecordNo + 1%> <input type="hidden" name="NumberOfResults" value=" "> Checkbox name as Product1, Product2,… QuantityOfProduct1,… Calculate and save number of results If checked, the value is product_code
Results.asp Form input values (example) Checkbox Name = Product1 Checkbox value =“A021” QuantityOfProduct1=1 Checkbox Name = Product1 Checkbox value = “” QuantityOfProduct2=1 Checkbox Name = Product3 Checkbox value =“B043” QuantityOfProduct3=2 NumberOfResults= 3 checked did not check checked
Flowchart of Check.asp Based on Request.Form(“NumberOfResults”) Repeat the Following Check Input Customer ID and Password Click “Place Order” CheckBox “RecordNo” Checked? N Save the selected Products and their quantities into Session Objects of ASP Save the number of Selected products to Session Object Y
Source Code of Check.asp Save the Results to Session Variables ItemNo = 1 for i = 1 to Request.Form("NumberOfResults") if (Request.Form("Product" & i)<> "") then Session("ProductCodeOfOrderItem" & ItemNo) = Request.Form("Product" & i) Session("QuantityOfOrderItem" & ItemNo)= Request.Form("QuantityOfProduct" & i) Session("TotalOrderItem")= ItemNo ItemNo = ItemNo + 1 end if next Save multiple Order line data to session
Save the Results to Session Variables Session(ProductCodeOfOrderItem1=A021) Session(QuantityOfOrderItem1=1) Session(ProductCodeOfOrderItem2=C387) Session(QuantityOfOrderItem2=2) Session(TotalOrderItem= 2)
User Logon
Source Code of Check.asp input customer name and password <input name="CustomerPassword" type="password" size="17" maxlength="32"> <input name=emptyCheck type=button value="Place Order" onClick="myform(this.form)">
Source Code of Check.asp check if the user has inputted name and password using java script at Client site <!-- function myform(theForm) { if(theForm.CustomerName.value.length <= 0) { alert("Sorry, you should not leave your CUSTOMER NAME empty!") return false} if(theForm.CustomerPassword.value.length <= 0) { alert("Sorry, you should not leave your PASSWORD empty!") return false} theForm.submit() } -->
Order Confirm & Display
Y Flowchart of Ordering.asp Create a database connection Define three Recordset Objects, corresponding to Customers, Orders and Orderln table Create and Execute a SQL Check if the customer has registered N Get New Order Number Use the Recordsets defined above to Update Orders and Orderln respectively Display Order Information Close Database Connections Hyperlink to Registration.htm
Source of Ordering.asp Database Connection Include the Definition of ADO Constants: Create ODBC Connection: Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.open "DSN=ODBCyuanyuf;uid=yuanyuf;pwd=yuank723“ You should use your DSN, uid, and pwd.
Source of Ordering.asp Create record sets for table updating Create record sets for updating three tables : Set RsCustomers = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set RsOrders = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set RsOrderln = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Source of Ordering.asp Check if user has registered Create and Execute SQL to Check if the user has registered: SQL = "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ((Customer_Name='"_ & Request.form("CustomerName") & "') AND (Password='" _ & Request.Form("CustomerPassword") & "'))" Set RsCustomers = Conn.Execute(SQL)
Source of Ordering.asp if user has registered, save order If So: Save the Order Information Otherwise: Sign up now
Source of Ordering.asp Check if user has ordered some products Save Order Information: Check if the user already has selected some products: if (Session(“TotalOrderItem")>0) then
Source of Ordering.asp generate a new order number To avoid duplicated order numbers, generate a newOrderNumber as the Max(Order_Number) +1: SQL = "SELECT Max(Order_Number) As BaseOrderNum”_ &”FROM Orders" Set RsOrders = Conn.Execute(SQL) newOrderNumber = RsOrders(“BaseOrderNum") + 1 RsOrders.Close Note: if the OrderNumber in Orders table is defined as autonumber then need not use this method
Source of Ordering.asp Update Orders table RsOrders.ActiveConnection = Conn RsOrders.CursorType = adOpenStatic RsOrders.LockType = adLockOptimistic RsOrders.Source = "Orders" RsOrders.Open RsOrders.AddNew RsOrders("Order_Number") = newOrderNumber RsOrders("Order_Date") = date() RsOrders("Customer_Name") = Request.Form("CustomerName") RsOrders.Update RsOrders.Close
the user’s order we have saved in Session Variables Session(ProductCodeOfOrderItem1=A021) Session(QuantityOfOrderItem1=1) Session(ProductCodeOfOrderItem2=C387) Session(QuantityOfOrderItem2=2) Session(TotalOrderItem= 2)
Source of Ordering.asp update orderline table RsOrderln.Source = "Orderln" RsOrderln.Open for i = 1 to Session(“TotalOrderItem") RsOrderln.AddNew RsOrderln("Order_Number") = newOrderNumber RsOrderln("Product_Code") = Session("ProductCodeOfOrderItem" & i) RsOrderln("Quantity") = Session("QuantityOfOrderItem" & i) next RsOrderln.Update
Order Confirm & Display
Source code of Ordering.asp display order information Display Order Information: Customer Information and Date Order#: Customer Name: Date: In Assignment 5 you need to display recipient name, address, as well as credit card information
<%SQL = "SELECT * FROM Products Where (Product_Code='" & Session(“ProductCodeOfOrderItem" & i) & "')" Set RsOrders = Conn.Execute(SQL)%> $ $ <%totalAmount = totalAmount + RsOrders("Unit_Price")*Session(“QuantityOfOrderItem" & i)%> Total Amount: Retrieve order line data and calculate amount and total for invoice
User Registration
Source Code of Registration.htm <input type="Password" name="Password" size="10" maxlength="32"> <input type="Password" name="PassConfirm" size="10" maxlength="32"> <input name=formChecking type="button" value="Submit“ onClick="myform(this.form)">
Source Code of Registration.htm password confirm using java script <!– function myform(theForm) { if(theForm. PassConfirm.value.length <= 0) { alert("Sorry, you should not leave your PASSWORD CONFIRMATION empty!") return false} if(theForm.Password.value != theForm.PassConfirm.value) { alert("Sorry, you typed different passwords!") return false} theForm.submit()} -->
Processing Registration
Y Y Flowchart of Ordering.asp Create a database connection Create and Execute a SQL Check if the customer name already used N Update Customers Table The Customer already selected some products Place the Order Close Database Connections Hyperlink to Registration.htm N Hyperlink to Homepage.html
Source Code of Registration.asp Include the Definition of ADO Constants: Create ODBC Connection: Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.open "DSN=ODBCzhangj4;uid=zhangj4;pwd=99xxxxx"
Source Code of Registration.asp Check if the same name has been registered: Set RsCustomers = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") SQL = " SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE (Customer_Name = '" _ & Request.Form("CustomerName") & " ') ORDER BY Customer_Name" Set RsCustomers=Conn.execute(SQL)%> Suppose we want check if there is already a user with user name David, we want make a query like this: SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE (Customer_Name = 'David') ORDER BY Customer_Name
Source Code of Registration.asp If Not: If RsCustomers.eof then Save the Customer Information Otherwise: re-sign up
Source Code of Registration.asp update customer table RsCustomers.ActiveConnection = Conn RsCustomers.Source = "Customers" RsCustomers.Open RsCustomers.AddNew RsCustomers("Customer_Name") = Request.Form("CustomerName") RsCustomers("Password") = Request.Form("Password") RsCustomers("Address") = Request.Form("Address") RsCustomers("Phone_Number") = Request.Form("Phone") RsCustomers.Update Set new values
Source Code of Registration.asp "" then%> <input type = hidden name="CustomerName" value = > <input type = hidden name="CustomerPassword" value = > Passing CustomerName and CustomerPassword to ordering.asp through hidden input
Practice using Tutorial 2 Follow the instruction of tutorial 2.doc Download Tutorial_asp.zip Unzip the files and put it in your sub directory Tutorial_asp in your Q drive Run the application from your web site username/Tutorial_asp/homepage.html You may use your database in SQL server or upload Abc_Demo.mdb to your SQL server Change the ODBC DSN, uid, and pwd in your ASP files and upload to server Run the application again
Tips for Assignment 4 Make sure tutorial 2 works on your Q drive Make sure you understand the code of tutorial 2 before doing your assignment The task of your assignment 4 is similar to the tutorial. Only thing you need to do is make some modifications. Keep the structure of the asp pages unchanged.
Tips for Assignment 4 First make the search product work Change the connections to your database by modify ODBC DSN, uid, pwd Put flower pictures in Pictures folder using product_code.jpg for corresponding flower products Test if search for product name and price range works for your flowers in products table Keep the logic for order and invoice Keep the logic for user registration Check if the entire web site works
Tips for Assignment 5 Add searching flower by Occasion Add data entry for recipient name and address at the point of “Buy it now” Modify updating Orders with additional fields of recipient name and address as well as credit card information Modify ordering.asp to display order with recipient name and address as well as credit card information
Technical tips Make sure login MAC VPN if you work at home. In VB, each line is one statement. Use under score if the VB program statement is continue to the next line. When reference your table in SQL, you need not to put your database name before it. But if you want to do it, use “.” not “_”. E.g. The wrong code is: serenko_tablename The correct one is: serenko.tablename
Technical tips To debug the asp program, display the value of the variable by inserting such as to see if the SQL is assembled properly. Most programming problems are caused by misspelling of variable names and the mismatch of reference variable names, e.g. you changed a name in one asp page but did not change it in another related page. Print out the code and highlight the changes. Do careful code checking will save you a lot of time.