CS 346 – Chapter 8 Main memory –Addressing –Swapping –Allocation and fragmentation –Paging –Segmentation Commitment –Please finish chapter 8
Addresses CPU/instructions can only access registers and main memory locations –Stuff on disk must be loaded into main memory Each process given range of legal memory addresses –Base and limit registers –Accessible only to OS –Every address request compared against these limits When is address of an object determined? –Compile time: hard-coded by programmer –Load time: compiler generates a relative address –Execute time: if address may vary during execution because the process moves. (most flexible)
Addresses (2) Logical vs. physical address –Logical (aka virtual): The address as known to the CPU and source code –Physical = the real location in RAM –How could logical and physical address differ? In case of execution-time binding. i.e. if the process location could move during execution Relocation register –Specifies what constant offset to add to logical address to obtain physical address –CPU / program never needs to worry about the “real” address, or that addresses of things may change. It can pretend its address start at 0.
Swapping A process may need to go back to disk before finishing. –Why? Consequence of scheduling (context switch) Maintain a queue of processes waiting to be loaded from disk Actual transfer time is relatively huge –When loading a program initially, we might not want to load the whole thing Another question – what to do if we’re swapped out while waiting for I/O. –Don’t swap if waiting for input; or –Put input into buffer. Empty buffer next time process back in memory.
Allocation Simplest technique is to define fixed-size partitions Some partitions dedicated to OS; rest for user processes Variable-size partitions also possible, but must maintain starting address of each Holes to fill How to dynamically fill hole with a process: –First fit: find the first hole big enough for process –Best fit: find smallest one big enough –Worst fit: fit into largest hole, in order to create largest possible remaining hole Internal & external fragmentation
Paging Allows for noncontiguous process memory space Physical memory consists of “frames” Logical memory consists of “pages” –Page size = frame size Every address referenced by CPU can be resolved: –Page number –Offset –how to do it? Turns out page/frame size is power of 2. Determines # bits in address. Look up page number in the page table to find correct frame
Example Suppose RAM = 256 MB, page/frame size is 4 KB, and our logical addresses are 32 bits. –How many bits for the page offset? –How many bits for the logical/virtual page number? –How many bits for the physical page number? –Note that the page offsets (logical & physical) will match. A program’s data begins at 0x , and text begins at 0x If they are each 1 page, what is the highest logical address of each page? What physical page do they map to? How large is the page table?
Page table HW representation –Several registers –Store in RAM, with pointer as a register –TLB (“translation look-aside buffer”) Functions as a “page table cache”: Should store info about most commonly occurring pages. How does a memory access work? –First, inspect address to see if datum should be in cache. –If not, inspect address to see if TLB knows physical address –If no TLB tag match, look up logical/virtual page number in the page table (thus requiring another memory access) –Finally, in the worst case, we have to go out to disk.
Protection, etc. HW must ensure that accesses to TLB or page table are legitimate –No one should be able to access frame belonging to another process Valid bit: does the process have permission to access this frame? –e.g. might no longer belong to this process Protection bit: is this physical page frame read-only? Paging supports shared memory. Example? Paging can cause internal fragmentation. How? Sometimes we can make page table more concise by storing just the bounds of the pages instead of each one.
Page table design How to deal with huge number of pages Hierarchical or 2-level page table –In other words, we “page” the page table. –Split up the address into 3 parts. “outer page”, “inner page” and then the offset. –The outer page number tells you where to find the appropriate part of the (inner) page table. See Figure –Not practical for 64-bit addressing! Why not? Hashed page table –Look up virtual page number in a hash table. –The contents of the cell might be a linked list: search for match. Inverted page table –A table that stores only the physical pages, and then tells you which logical page map to each. Any disadvantage?
Segmentation Alternative to paging More intuitive way to lay out main memory… –Segments do not have to be contiguous in memory –Process has segment table: For each segment, stores the base address and size As before, a process has a “logical address space” –But now: it consists of segments, each having a name and size. –How does a program(mer) specify an address in a segmented scheme? –What kinds of segments might we want to create for a program? HW may support both paging and segmentation –So, OS may exploit either or both addressing techniques. –To ignore segmentation, just use 1 segment for entire process.
Pentium example To convert logical to physical address –Handle the segmentation first… –Segmentation unit takes the logical address, and converts this to a linear address (why?) –Paging unit takes the linear address and converts this to a physical address (somewhat familiar process) A segment may be up to 4 GB, so offset is 32 bits –Logical address has 2 parts: segment number plus offset –Look up segment number into “descriptor table”. Entries in this table give the upper bits of the 32-bit linear address. Pentium uses 2-level paging –Outer and inner page numbers are 10 bits each. What information does this tell you?