Issues Associated with ePortfolios in Small Colleges EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference 2006 Ed Barboni, Senior Advisor, Council of Independent Colleges Cyprien Lomas, ELI Scholar in Residence, EDUCAUSE Ed Barboni, Senior Advisor, Council of Independent Colleges Cyprien Lomas, ELI Scholar in Residence, EDUCAUSE
"Copyright C. Lomas and E. Barboni This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the authors. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author."
ePortfolio uses in Higher Education History Folios Going ‘e’ Potential for ePortfolios Stages of use The future History Folios Going ‘e’ Potential for ePortfolios Stages of use The future
Using ePortfolios Where are they being used? How are they used? How are they not used (yet)? Where are they being used? How are they used? How are they not used (yet)?
Starting with the end in mind Types of portfolios Student uses Institutional issues Types of portfolios Student uses Institutional issues
Questions Who uses them? How do you assess usage? Intellectual Property? Long term implications Transfer? Who uses them? How do you assess usage? Intellectual Property? Long term implications Transfer?
References ELI reference page An Overview of Institutional Portfolios LI LI3002 Links Dr. Helen Barrett’s ePortfolio resources ELI reference page An Overview of Institutional Portfolios LI LI3002 Links Dr. Helen Barrett’s ePortfolio resources