Blogging 101: The Blogging Basics Seminar 1: Art, Authenticity & Risk Professor: Bridgett Davis Instructional Technology Fellow: Amanda Favia
Macaulay ePortfolios: Build Your ePortfolio Now!
Username Address Security Question
Gimme a Site OR Add User Activate your Account: Check your & click the link Username & Password: Don’t forget to copy your password! Login!
Edit My Profile Change Password: scroll down to change your password Display Name: First Name, Last Name, Nickname How to video: students/eportfolios.php students/eportfolios.php
Change your Avatar On the left menu bar, you’ll see your dashboard. There are many ways to access it, this is just one. To change your avatar (visual representation of `you’) go to Macaulay Social Go to where it says `View and Edit’ your profile & click on ‘Edit’ to add information about yourself & change your avatar.
Art, Authenticity & Risk: ePortfolio Site s11/ s11/ Site Registration: Log-in with your ePortfolio username and password
Why Blog? Improve your Writing, Communication, & Critical Thinking Skills Share: Writing about your thoughts & ideas Learn: Reading your peer’s ideas Reflect: Responding to your peers
Elements of a Good Blog Blog with a purpose! Consider your audience (because you have one!) Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible & Story* *
Elements of a Good Blog Avoid what you dislike. For example,
Elements of a Good Blog Emulate what you like. For example, African Diaspora Film Music Philosophy Personal Site
Create a Post On the left menu bar, select ‘Posts’ and more posting options will become available to you To create a new post select ‘Add New’ You should see this screen where you will enter your content. Mouse over the icons to see what each of the tools can do.
Create a Post When you post you should do ALL of the following 4 steps: 1. Enter a title 2. Enter your content 3. Categorize the post (select as many categories as relevant) so your instructor can easily find and grade it 4. Publish the post If you make a mistake, don’t worry! You can view the post for accuracy and edit as needed.
Create a Post: Introductions Create your first post by introducing yourself to your classmates. Make sure you categorize your post under “introductions” & follow some of these basic writing tips: (1) Edit: Read Carefully, Check Spelling & Revise (2) Headlines: Make it Descriptive & Interesting For example: “MoMA Visit” “MoMA: I Am Still Alive: Politics and Everyday Life in Contemporary Drawing” “Presidents in Print: A Sketch of Columbia’s Politics ”
How to Create a Link Highlight the text you would like to link Click on the link button in the toolbar In the popup box, copy & paste the URL you want to link to
Add Media There are many ways to add media files, this is the quick option that is available in `Add New Post’using `Upload/Insert’
Add Media You can then insert media from your computer, a url or the media library. If a media file is on your computer (locally) select From Computer If a file is on the web, select From URL If a file is in the Medial Library (probably not unless you put it there earlier) select the Media Library option.
Add Media After uploading files or provided a link, Give the media a meaningful title, description and caption/footnote. Select the size Click `Insert into Post’
Add Footnotes To add footnotes in a post: (1)Place your cursor where you want the footnote to appear. (1)Type an open square bracket [ (1)Then, type the number for your footnote, followed directly by a period, and the footnote text/url. (1)Finish the footnote with a closed square bracket ] [1. Smith, John. A Very Important Text. New York: Routledge, 2010.] *This works both in posts and media captions!
Macaulay Tech Fair! This event will help you learn more about your new Macbooks and Macaulay's eportfolio system. Learn how to build and customize your own site. ir/registration/ ir/registration/
Instructional Technology Fellow Amanda Favia ITF resource page for Baruch: chitfs/
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 11am-3pm 17 Lexington Ave, Weinstein Honors Lounge, Room 903 Please sign-up for an hitfs/office-hours/ hitfs/office-hours/ Virtual Office Hours: Monday 8pm-10pm via chat at