Bioinformatics Platform Three-tier Architecture Object-based Relational Database implemented using Oracle Middleware implemented using Entity-Class Operations, Servlets in Java Static Pages (SHTML) for Web Site Dynamic pages (JSPs) for database driven Entry, Dissemination and Queries - Entity Relationship data model - Ontology Diagram - Implementation using Oracle Part of CFG database overall ontology map - Communicates with database and user - Keeps the complexity of the database Invisible from user interface - Enables seamless acquisition and dissemination of data - Top-most layer of user interface - Static pages for web site management - Dynamic pages for database driven content
Data Integration Overall Schema for CFG Data Objects
Data Integration Approach to Functional Glycomics Glycan profile of spleen of FucT-VII KO mice with differences in histology staining
Data Integration Approach to Functional Glycomics Expression of glycan related genes in wildtype mouse spleen
Molecule Page Interface Automated Acquisition Data from Public databases, links to Public resources Data from Cores Interface to CFG resources and data Expert Contribution Filling out fields as experts on the molecule Molecule Information Portal Comprises of three main components
GBP Molecule Page Galectin family chosen
Galectin-3 Molecule Page Galectin-3 selected Molecule Page of Galectin-3: General Tab
Galectin-3 Molecule Page Reference Tab: Links to Public Databases
Galectin-3 Molecule Page Link to CFG Transgenic mice Genome Tab
Galectin-3 Molecule Page Proteome Tab Domain Organization
Galectin-3 Molecule Page Glycome Tab Link to CFG Glycan Array Data Select High Signal Spot Link from high affinity glycan to GBP molecule page Link to glycan structure corresponding to high affinity ligand of GBP
Galectin-3 Molecule Page Biology Tab Links to CFG Phenotyping data on Galectin-3 KO mice Histological Staining Data Immunology Data Metabolism Data